# cosine wave
# doubling the frequency, 1/3 amplitude, phase = pi/4, 50 points
cr(A=1/3, k=2, p=pi/4, N=50)
# sum 3 sinusoids of different frequencies)
cr(k=c(1, 3, 4))
# sum 2 sinusoids of different parameters
cr(c(1, 2), c(2, 10), c(0, -pi/3), N=200, type="l")
# store the above to a vector and overlay with noise
v = cr(c(1, 2), c(2, 10), c(0, -pi/3), N=200, type="l", values=TRUE)
r = runif(200, -3, 3)
v = v+r
plot(0:199, v, type="l")
# 100 points of a 50 Hz sinusoid with a 4 Hz bandwidth
# at a sampling frequency of 200 Hz
cr(k=50, bw=4, samfreq=2000, N=100)
# the same but shift the y-axis by +4 (d.c. offset=+4)
cr(const=4, k=50, bw=4, samfreq=2000, N=100)
# sinusoid multiplied by a decaying exponential (same effect as bandwidth)
cr(expon=-0.95, N=200, type="l")
# }
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