# create demo data including an emuDB called "ae"
create_emuRdemoData(dir = tempdir())
# construct path to demo emuDB
path2ae = file.path(tempdir(), "emuR_demoData", "ae")
# load emuDB into current R session
ae = load_emuDB(path2ae)
# query loaded emuDB
lvowels = query(ae, "Phonetic = i: | u: | o:")
# extract labels from query result
lvowels.labs = label(lvowels)
# list all ssffTrackDefinitions of emuDB
# get formant trackdata defined in ssffTrackDefinitions "fm" for query result
lvowels.fm = get_trackdata(ae, lvowels, "fm")
# extract track values at temporal midpoint of segments
lvowels.fmCut = dcut(lvowels.fm, .5, prop = TRUE)
# Plot the data as time signal and formant card
dplot(lvowels.fm[,1:2], lvowels.labs, normalise=TRUE, main = "Formants over vowel duration")
eplot(lvowels.fmCut[,1:2], lvowels.labs, dopoints=TRUE,
doellipse=FALSE, main = "F1/F2 of vowel midpoint", form=TRUE,
xlab = "F2 in Hz", ylab = "F1 in Hz")
# Plot of spectral data from 50% of aspiration duration
hs = query(ae,"Phonetic = H")
hs.labs = label(hs)
hs.dft = get_trackdata(ae, hs, "dft")
hs.dftCut = dcut(hs.dft, .5, prop=TRUE)
plot(hs.dftCut, hs.labs, main = "Spectral data of aspiration")
# }
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab