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emuR (version 1.0.0)

emuRsegs: emuR segment list


An emuR segment list is a list of segment descriptors. Each segment descriptor describes a sequence of annotation elements. The list is usually a result of an emuDB query using function query.



Attributed data.frame, one row per segment descriptor.

Data frame columns are:

  • labels: sequenced labels of segment concatenated by '->'

  • start: onset time in milliseconds

  • end: offset time in milliseconds

  • session: session name

  • bundle: bundle name

  • level: level name

  • type: type of "segment" row: 'ITEM': symbolic item, 'EVENT': event item, 'SEGMENT': segment

Additional hidden columns:

  • utts: utterance name (for compatibility to emusegs class)

  • db_uuid: UUID of emuDB

  • startItemID: item ID of first element of sequence

  • endItemID: item ID of last element of sequence

  • sampleStart: start sample position

  • sampleEnd: end sample position

  • sampleRate: sample rate


  • database: name of emuDB

  • query: Query string

  • type: type ('segment' or 'event') (for compatibility to emusegs class)


Each row shows the annotation label sequence, the start and end position in time, session and bundle names, level name and type. Additionally the row contains the UUID of the emuDB, the ID's of start and end elements and the corresponding start and end position as sample count and the sample rate. These columns are not printed by default. The print method of emuRsegs hides them. To print all columns of a segment list object use the print method of data.frame. For example to print all columns of an emuRsegs segmentlist sl type: print.data.frame(sl) Though the segment descriptors have references to the annotations, the label and sample/time position information is not updated if any of them change. The values of the segment list may get invalid if the the database is modified. A segment may consist only of one single element, in this case start and end ID are equal. An emuR segment list is the default result of query and can be used to get track data using get_trackdata. The emuRsegs class inherits emusegs and hence data.frame

See Also
