# greyscale image across the first two segments 'just relax'
# with title
epggs(coutts.epg[1:2,], main="just relax")
# as above but with dotted gridlines in blue
epggs(coutts.epg[1:2,], main="just relax", gridlty=2, gridcol="blue")
# as the first example, but with greyscale set to 2
epggs(coutts.epg[1:2,], 2, main="just relax")
# get palatograms for "S" from the polhom.epg database
temp = polhom.l == "S"
# greyscale image of all "S" segments at their temporal midpoint
epggs(dcut(polhom.epg[temp,], 0.5, prop=TRUE))
# greyscale image of all "S" segments from their onset to offset
# the same but derived from palates
p <- palate(polhom.epg[temp,])
# }
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