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eplot: Plot ellipses for two-dimensional data


The function plots ellipses for different categories from two-dimensional data.


eplot(x, labs, chars, formant = FALSE, scaling = "linear", prob = 0.95,
  nsdev = NULL, dopoints = FALSE, doellipse = TRUE, centroid = FALSE,
  axes = TRUE, xlim, ylim, col = TRUE, lty = FALSE, lwd = NULL, ...)



A two-columned matrix of data


An optional vector of labels, parallel to 'data'


An optional vector of labels, parallel to 'data'. If this argument is specified these labels will be plotted rather than the labels in 'labs'.


If TRUE) then the data is negated and the axes are switched so that, for formant data, the plot is made with decreasing F2 on the x-axis and decreasing F1 on the y-axis.


Either "mel" or "bark" for mel or bark scaling of the data


A single numeric vector greater than zero and less than 1 representing the confidence interval of the ellipse contours. Defaults to 0.95


Defines the length of the major and minor axes of the ellipses in terms of the standard deviation of the data and overrides the prob argument.


If TRUE) character labels (from 'labs' or 'chars') are plotted for each data point


If TRUE, ellipses are drawn on the plot. If FALSE, no ellipses are drawn and, if 'dopoints' is also FALSE, 'centroids' is set to T


One label for each ellipse is drawn


If TRUE axes are drawn on the plot.


A vector of two numeric values giving the range of the x-axis.


A vector of two numeric values giving the range of the y-axis.


If colour is TRUE) the ellipses and labels will be plotted in different colours


If linetype is TRUE) the ellipses will be plotted with different linetypes. This is useful for plots that will be printed.


A code passed to the lwd argument in plotting functions. 'lwd' can be either a single element numeric vector, or its length must be equal to the number of unique types in labs. For example, if lwd=3 and if labs = c("a", "b", "a", "c"), then the output is c(3, 3, 3, 3). Alternatively, if lwd = c(2,3,1), then the output is c(2, 3, 2, 1) for the same example. The default is NULL in which case all lines are drawn with lwd=1


graphical options par

See Also



Run this code

   data <- cbind(vowlax.df$F1,vowlax.df$F2)
   phonetic = vowlax.l
   word = vowlax.word

   eplot(data, phonetic)
   eplot(data, phonetic, form=TRUE, main="F1 x F2 plane", centroid=TRUE)
   eplot(data, phonetic, form=TRUE, main="F1 x F2 plane", dopoints=TRUE)
   eplot(data, phonetic, form=TRUE, main="F1 x F2 plane in Bark", 
         dopoints=TRUE, scaling="bark")
   eplot(data, phonetic, form=TRUE, main="F1 x F2 plane in Bark b/w with linetype", 
         col=FALSE, lty=TRUE, dopoints=TRUE, scaling="bark") 
   eplot(data, phonetic, form=TRUE, main="F1 x F2 plane", 
         doellipse=FALSE, dopoints=TRUE)
   eplot(data, phonetic, form=TRUE, dopoints=TRUE, 
         prob=0.5, main="F1 x F2 plane, 50% confidence intervals")
   eplot(data, phonetic, form=TRUE, dopoints=TRUE, 
         nsdev=2, main="F1 x F2 plane, 2 standard deviations")

   temp <- phonetic %in% c("a", "O")
   eplot(data[temp,], phonetic[temp], form=TRUE,  main="F1 x F2 [A] and [O] only", centroid=TRUE)

   temp <- phonetic=="O"
   eplot(data[temp,], phonetic[temp], word[temp], form=TRUE, 
         dopoints=TRUE, main="[O] only showing word labels")  

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab