segs = vowlax
## fm has 4 columns
data.fm <-vowlax.fdat
## F0 has one
data.F0 <- vowlax.fund
## info.fm will have duration, 4xstart, 4xend, 4xdelta, 4xslope
info.fm <- track.gradinfo(data.fm)
## this should be true
ncol(info.fm) == 1+4+4+4+4
## info.F0 will have one of each
info.F0 <- track.gradinfo(data.F0)
## this should be true
ncol(info.F0) == 1+1+1+1+1
## plot the durations vs delta of the first formant
plot(info.F0$duration, info.fm$delta1, type="n", xlab="Duration", ylab="Delta")
text(info.fm$duration, info.fm$delta1, labels=label(segs))
## extract just the delta values from the formant info
## You need to eyeball the data to work out which columns to select
delta.fm <- info.fm[,10:13]
# }
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