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emuR (version 2.3.0)

emuRtrackdata: emuR track data object


A emuR track data object is the result of get_trackdata if the resultType parameter is set to "emuRtrackdata" or the result of an explicit call to create_emuRtrackdata. Compared to the trackdata object it is a sub-class of a data.frame which is meant to ease integration with other packages for further processing. It can be viewed as an amalgamation of a emuRsegs and a trackdata object as it contains the information stored in both objects.



The data.frame has the following columns:


column to indicate emuRsegs row index that the value belongs to

$labels - $sampleRate

duplicated information of emuRsegs row entries


relative time stamps of sample values in milliseconds


absolute time stamps of sample values in milliseconds

$T1 - $TN

actual data values (e.g. formant values / F0 values / DFT values / ...)

Note that $labels - $sampleRate as well as $T1 - $TN (where the N in TN is to be read as the n-th T value) refer to multiple columns of the object.


The following methods are implemented for emuRtrackdata objects:


Function to extract a emuRtrackdata object from an emuRtrackdata at a single time point or between two times

See Also

get_trackdata, create_emuRtrackdata
