if (FALSE) {
# prerequisite: loaded ae emuDB
# (see ?load_emuDB for more information)
sampaNasals = c("m", "F", "n", "J", "N")
# add these values to the default Phonetic attribute
# definition of the Phonetic level of the ae emuDB
add_attrDefLabelGroup(emuDBhandle = ae,
levelName = "Phonetic",
attributeDefinitionName = "Phonetic",
labelGroupName = "sampaNasals",
labelGroupValues = sampaNasals)
# query the labelGroup
query(ae, "Phonetic=sampaNasals")
# list attribute definition label groups
# of attributeDefinition "Phonetic" of the level "Phonetic"
# of the ae emuDB
list_attrDefLabelGroups(emuDBhandle = ae,
levelName = "Phonetic" ,
attributeDefinitionName = "Phonetic")
# remove the newly added attrDefLabelGroup
remove_attrDefLabelGroup(emuDBhandle = ae,
levelName = "Phonetic",
attributeDefinitionName = "Phonetic",
labelGroupName = "sampaNasals")
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab