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emuR (version 2.4.0)

create_emuRtrackdata: create emuRtrackdata object


Joins emuRsegs and trackdata objects to create an emuRtrackdata object that is a sub-class of a data.frame object. This object can be viewed as a flat version of a trackdata object that also contains all the information of a emuRsegs object. It is meant to ease integration with other packages as it is based on the well known data.frame object.


create_emuRtrackdata(sl, td)


emuRtrackdata object



seglist of class emuRsegs


trackdata object generated from sl


Run this code
if (FALSE) {

# prerequisite: loaded ae emuDB 
# (see ?load_emuDB for more information)

# query emuDB (to get object of class emuRsegs)
sl = query(emuDBhandle = ae, 
           query = "Phonetic == i:")
# get formats for SEGMENTs in sl (to get object of class trackdata)
td = get_trackdata(emuDBhandle = ae, 
                   seglist = sl,
                   onTheFlyFunctionName = "forest")

# create emuRtrackdata object
create_emuRtrackdata(sl = sl, td = td)


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab