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emuR (version 2.5.0)

AddListRemoveLabelGroup: Add / List / Remove global labelGroup to / of / from emuDB


Add / List / Remove label group that can be used as a short hand to reference groups of labels that are globally defined for the entire database (compared to attribute definition specific label groups that are added by add_attrDefLabelGroup) in a query. A common example would be to add a label group for something like the phonetic category of nasals to be able to reference them as "nasals" in a query. In theory you could use a labelGroupName as a label instance within the level, but since this could lead to serious confusion, it is better avoided. For users transitioning from the legacy EMU system: Do not confuse a labelGroup with legal labels: a labelGroup had the unfortunate name 'legal labels' in the legacy EMU system. For more information on the structural elements of an emuDB see vignette{emuDB}.


add_labelGroup(emuDBhandle, name, values)


remove_labelGroup(emuDBhandle, name)



emuDB handle as returned by load_emuDB


name of label group


character vector of labels

See Also



Run this code
if (FALSE) {

# prerequisite: loaded ae emuDB 
# (see ?load_emuDB for more information)

sampaNasals = c("m", "F", "n", "J", "N")

# add these values to the ae emuDB
# as a globally available labelGroup
add_labelGroup(emuDBhandle = ae,
               name = "sampaNasals",
               values = sampaNasals)

# query the labelGroup in the "Phonetic" level
query(emuDBhandle = ae, 
      query = "Phonetic == sampaNasals")

# query the labelGroup in the "Phoneme" level
query(emuDBhandle = ae, 
      query = "Phoneme == sampaNasals")

# list global label groups of ae emuDB
list_labelGroups(emuDBhandle = ae)

# remove the newly added labelGroup
remove_labelGroup(emuDBhandle = ae,
                  name = "sampaNasals")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab