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emuR (version 2.5.0)

create_itemsInLevel: Create new items programmatically


Create annotation items programmatically on a single level. You have to pass in a data frame, called itemsToCreate, describing the new items. The required columns depend on the type of the level (ITEM, EVENT, or SEGMENT).

This function belongs to emuR’s CRUD family of functions, which let the user manipulate items programmatically:

  • Create items (create_itemsInLevel)

  • Read items (query)

  • Update items (update_itemsInLevel)

  • Delete items (delete_itemsInLevel))


  calculateEndTimeForSegments = TRUE,
  allowGapsAndOverlaps = FALSE,
  rewriteAllAnnots = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE



emuDB handle as returned by load_emuDB


A data frame with the columns:

  • session (character)

  • bundle (character)

  • level (character)

  • attribute (character)

  • labels (character)

  • start_item_seq_idx (numeric; only when level refers to a ITEM-typed level)

  • start (numeric, milliseconds; only when level refers to an EVENT-typed or SEGMENT-typed level)

  • end (numeric, milliseconds; only when level refers to a SEGMENT-typed level and calculateEndTimeForSegments is FALSE)


Only applicable if the level type is SEGMENT. If set to TRUE, then each segment’s end time is automatically aligned with the start time of the following segment. In that case, user-provided end times are ignored. The last segment’s end time is the end time of the annotated media file. If set to FALSE, then the user has to provide an end time for each segment.


Only applicable if the level type is SEGMENT and calculateEndTimeForSegments is FALSE. If set to FALSE, this function fails when itemsToCreate contains gaps or overlaps between segments. The offending segments are returned invisibly. You can inspect them by assigning the return value to a variable. The return value will include a new column gap_samples that indicates the size of the gap (positive values) or overlap (negative values) with the previous segment, respectively. It is measured in audio samples, not in milliseconds. Setting this to TRUE allows the function to complete even with gaps and/or overlaps, but this is not recommended as it can cause bugs in the EMU-webApp.


should changes be written to file system (_annot.json files) (intended for expert use only)


if set to TRUE, more status messages are printed


This function creates new annotation items on an existing level, in existing bundles.

Regardless of the type of level you are creating items on, your input data frame itemsToCreate must describe your new items by specifying the columns session, bundle, level, attribute and labels. level must have the same value for all rows, as we can only create items on one level at a time.

attribute must also have the same value for all rows, and it must be an existing attribute that belongs to the level.

A major use case for this function is to obtain a segment list using query, modify the segment list and feed it to this function. That is why the column labels has a plural name: segment lists also have a column labels and not label. The same is true for the sequence index columns introduced below.

Creating new items works differently depending on the level type. The three types are explained in the following sections.

Levels of type ITEM

In addition to the columns that are always required, ITEM-typed levels require a column with a sequence index to be present in the itemsToCreate data frame. Its name must be start_item_seq_idx. This name was chosen instead of sequence_index because it is present as a column name in segment lists obtained with query. That makes it easer to use a segment list as input to create_itemsInLevel().

Along the time axis, there can be multiple annotation items on every level. Their order within the level is given by their sequence index. All existing items have a natural-valued sequence index and there are no gaps in the sequences (i.e. if a level contains N annotation items, they are indexed 1..N).

Any newly created item must be given a sequence index. The sequence index may be real-valued (it will automatically be replaced with a natural value). To prepend the new item to the existing ones, pass a value lower than one. To append it to the existing items, you can either pass NA or any value that you know is greater than N (the number of existing items in that level). It does not need to be exactly N+1. To place the new item between two existing ones, use any real value between the sequence indexes of the existing neighbors.

If you are appending multiple items at the same time, every sequence index (including NA) can only be used once per session/bundle/level combination (because session/bundle/level/sequence index are the unique identifier of an item).

After creating the items, all sequence indexes (which may now be real-valued, natural-valued or NA) are sorted in ascending order and then replaced with the values 1..N, where N is the number of items on that level. While sorting, NA values are placed at the end.

Levels of type EVENT

In addition to the columns that are always required, EVENT-typed levels require a column with the time of the event to be present in the itemsToCreate data frame. Its name must be start. This name was chosen because it is present as a column name in segment lists obtained with query. That makes it easer to use a segment list as input to create_itemsInLevel(). The end column in segment lists is 0 for EVENT-typed levels.

The start column must be given in milliseconds.

You cannot create an EVENT item at a point on the time axis where another item already exists on the same level. If you specify such an event, the entire function will fail.

Levels of type SEGMENT

You can only create SEGMENT-typed items in bundles where the respective level is empty.

In addition to the columns that are always required, SEGMENT-typed levels require the column start to be present in the itemsToCreate data frame, representing the start time of the segment. It must be given in milliseconds.

Segments also need to have an end, and there are two strategies to determine the end. Either, you explicitly provide an end column in the itemsToCreate data frame. It must be given in milliseconds. If you do that, you have to specify the calculateEndTimeForSegments parameter as FALSE.

Alternatively, you can leave calculateEndTimeForSegments at TRUE (which is the default) and provide your itemsToCreate data frame without an end column. In that case, the end time will be aligned to the next neighbor’s start time. The end time of the last segment will be aligned with the end of the annotated media file.