enigma (version 0.3.0)

enigma_metadata: Search for metadata on a dataset from Enigma.


Search for metadata on a dataset from Enigma.


enigma_metadata(dataset = NULL, key = NULL, ...)


Dataset name. Required.
(character) Required. An Enigma API key. Supply in the function call, or store in your .Renviron file like ENIGMA_KEY=your key), or in your .Rprofile file as options(enigmaKey = "<your key>"), Obtain an API key by creating an account with Enigma at http://enigma.io, then obtain an API key from your account page.
Named curl options passed on to HttpClient


A list of length 3:
  • success - a boolean if query was successful or not
  • datapath - the dataset path (this is not a file path on your machine)
  • info - a list of length 6 with:
    • paths - paths under the dataset
    • immediate_notes - children nodes
    • children_tables - children tables


Notice when you run the examples that the format of output is different for the "parent nodes" vs. the "table nodes". Where the parent nodes have ouput$meta slots for paths, immediate nodes and children tables, while the table nodes have ouput$meta slots for info, table, ancestor datapaths, database boundary datapath, database boundary label, database boundary tables, and paths, and an additional slot for description of table column attributes.




Run this code
## Not run: ------------------------------------
# ## After obtaining an API key from Enigma's website, pass in your key to the 
# ## function call or set in your options (see above instructions for the 
# ## key parameter) If you pass in your key to the function call use the key 
# ## parameter
# ## UCLA Ethnic power relations dataset
# enigma_metadata(dataset = 'edu.ucla.epr')
# # Table node response attributes
# ## US white house visitor list table
# enigma_metadata(dataset = 'us.gov.whitehouse.visitor-list')
## ---------------------------------------------

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab