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epiR (version 0.9-82)

epi.cluster2size: Sample size under under two-stage cluster sampling


Returns the required number of clusters to be sampled using a two-stage cluster sampling strategy.


epi.cluster2size(nbar, R, n, mean, sigma2.x, sigma2.y, sigma2.xy, 
   epsilon.r, method = "mean", conf.level = 0.95)



integer, representing the total number of listing units to be selected from each cluster.


scalar, representing an estimate of the unknown population prevalence to be estimated. Only used when method = "proportion".


vector of length two, specifying the total number of clusters in the population and the total number of listing units within each cluster, respectively.


vector of length two, specifying the mean of the variable of interest at the cluster level and listing unit level, respectively.


vector of length two, specifying the variance of the [denomoniator] variable of interest at the cluster level and listing unit level, respectively.


vector of length two, specifying the variance of the numerator variable of interest at the cluster level and listing unit level, respectively. See details. Only used when method = "proportion".


vector of length two, specifying the the covariance at the cluster level and listing unit level, respectively. Only used when method = "proportion".


the maximum relative difference between the estimate and the unknown population value.


a character string indicating the method to be used. Options are total, mean or proportion.


scalar, defining the level of confidence in the computed result.


Returns an integer defining the required number of clusters to be sampled.


In simple two-stage cluster sampling the number of listing units to be selected from each cluster is determined on the basis of cost and on the basis of the relative sizes of the first- and second-stage variance components. Once the number of listing units is fixed we might then wish to determine the total number of clusters to be sampled to be confident of obtaining estimates that reflect the true population value.


Levy PS, Lemeshow S (1999). Sampling of Populations Methods and Applications. Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, London, pp. 292.


Run this code
## EXAMPLE 1 (from Levy and Lemeshow p 292):
## We intend to conduct a survey of nurse practitioners to estimate the 
## average number of patients seen by each nurse. There are five health
## centres in the study area, each with three nurses. We intend to sample
## two nurses from each health centre. We would like to be 95% confident
## that our estimate is within 30% of the true population value. We expect 
## that the mean number of patients seen at the health centre level 
## is 84 (var 567) and the mean number of patients seen at the nurse 
## level is 28 (var 160). How many health centres should be sampled?

tn <- c(5, 3); tmean <- c(84, 28); tsigma2.x <- c(567, 160)

epi.cluster2size(nbar = 2, n = tn, mean = tmean, sigma2.x = tsigma2.x, 
   sigma2.y = NA, sigma2.xy = NA, epsilon.r = 0.3, method = "mean", 
   conf.level = 0.95)

## Three health centres need to be sampled to meet the survey 
## specifications.

## EXAMPLE 2 (from Levy and Lemeshow p 294):
## Same scenario as above, but this time we want to estimate the proportion
## of patients referred to a general practitioner from each clinic. As before, 
## we want to be 95% confident that our estimate of the proportion of referred 
## patients is within 30% of the true population value. We expect that 
## approximately 36% of patients are referred.

## On page 295 Levy and Lemeshow state that the parameters sigma2.x, sigma2.y
## and sigma2.xy are rarely known in advance and must be either estimated
## or guessed from experience or intuition. In this example (for 
## demonstration) we use the actual patient data to calculate sigma2.x, 
## sigma2.y and sigma2.xy.

## Nurse-level data. The following code reproduces Table 10.4 of Levy and 
## Lemeshow (page 293).
clinic <- rep(1:5, each = 3)
nurse <- 1:15
Xij <- c(58,44,18,42,53,10,13,18,37,16,32,10,25,23,23)
Yij <- c(5,6,6,3,19,2,12,6,30,5,14,4,17,9,14)
ssudat <- data.frame(clinic, nurse, Xij, Yij)

Xbar <- by(data = ssudat$Xij, INDICES = ssudat$clinic, FUN = mean)
ssudat$Xbar <- rep(Xbar, each = 3)
Ybar <- by(data = ssudat$Yij, INDICES = ssudat$clinic, FUN = mean)
ssudat$Ybar <- rep(Ybar, each = 3)

ssudat$Xij.Xbar <- (ssudat$Xij - ssudat$Xbar)^2
ssudat$Yij.Ybar <- (ssudat$Yij - ssudat$Ybar)^2
ssudat$XY <- (ssudat$Xij - ssudat$Xbar) * (ssudat$Yij - ssudat$Ybar)

## Collapse the nurse-level data (created above) to the clinic level. 
## The following code reproduces Table 10.3 of Levy and Lemeshow (page 292). 
clinic <- as.vector(by(ssudat$clinic, INDICES = ssudat$clinic, FUN = min))
Xi <- as.vector(by(ssudat$Xij, INDICES = ssudat$clinic, FUN = sum))
Yi <- as.vector(by(ssudat$Yij, INDICES = ssudat$clinic, FUN = sum))
psudat <- data.frame(clinic, Xi, Yi)

psudat$Xi.Xbar <- (psudat$Xi - mean(psudat$Xi))^2
psudat$Yi.Ybar <- (psudat$Yi - mean(psudat$Yi))^2
psudat$XY <- (psudat$Xi - mean(psudat$Xi)) * (psudat$Yi - mean(psudat$Yi))

## Number of primary and secondary sampling units:
npsu <- nrow(psudat)
nssu <- mean(by(ssudat$nurse, INDICES = ssudat$clinic, FUN = length))
tn <- c(npsu, nssu)

## Mean of X at primary sampling unit and secondary sampling unit level:
tmean <- c(mean(psudat$Xi), mean(ssudat$Xij))

## Variance of number of patients seen:
tsigma2.x <- c(mean(psudat$Xi.Xbar), mean(ssudat$Xij.Xbar))

## Variance of number of patients referred:
tsigma2.y <- c(mean(psudat$Yi.Ybar), mean(ssudat$Yij.Ybar))
tsigma2.xy <- c(mean(psudat$XY), mean(ssudat$XY))

epi.cluster2size(nbar = 2, R = 0.36, n = tn, mean = tmean, 
   sigma2.x = tsigma2.x, sigma2.y = tsigma2.y, sigma2.xy = tsigma2.xy, 
   epsilon.r = 0.3, method = "proportion", conf.level = 0.95)

## Two health centres need to be sampled to meet the survey 
## specifications.

## We want to determine the prevalence of brucellosis in dairy cattle in a
## country comprised of 20 provinces. The number of dairy herds per province 
## ranges from 50 to 1200. Herd size ranges from 25 to 900. We suspect that
## the prevalence of brucellosis-positive herds across the entire country 
## is around 10%. We suspect that there are a small number of provinces 
## with a relatively high individual cow-level prevalence of disease 
## (thought to be between 40% and 80%). How many herds should be sampled 
## from each province if we want our estimate of prevalence to be within 
## 30% of the true population value?

epi.simplesize(N = 1200, Vsq = NA, Py = 0.10, epsilon.r = 0.30, 
   method = "proportion", conf.level = 0.95)

## A total of 234 herds should be sampled from each province.

## Next we work out the number of provinces that need to be sampled. 
## Again, we would like to be 95% confident that our estimate is within 
## 30% of the true population value. Simulate some data to derive appropriate
## estimates of sigma2.x, sigma2.y and sigma2.xy.

## Number of herds per province:
npsu <- 20
nherds.p <- as.integer(runif(n = npsu, min = 50, max = 1200))

## Mean herd size per province:
hsize.p <- as.integer(runif(n = npsu, min = 25, max = 900))

## Simulate estimates of the cow-level prevalence of brucellosis in each 
## province. Here we generate an equal mix of `low' and `high' brucellosis
## prevalence provinces:
prev.p <- c(runif(n = 15, min = 0, max = 0.05), 
   runif(n = 5, min = 0.40, max = 0.80)) 

## Generate some data:
prov <- c(); herd <- c(); 
Xij <- c(); Yij <- c(); 
Xbar <- c(); Ybar <- c();
Xij.Xbar <- c(); Yij.Ybar <- c()

for(i in 1:npsu){
   ## Province identifiers:
   tprov <- rep(i, times = nherds.p[i])
   prov <- c(prov, tprov)
   ## Herd identifiers:
   therd <- 1:nherds.p[i]
   herd <- c(herd, therd)
   ## Number of cows in each of the herds in this province:
   tXij <- as.integer(rlnorm(n = nherds.p[i], meanlog = log(hsize.p[i]), 
      sdlog = 0.5))
   tXbar <- mean(tXij)
   tXij.Xbar <- (tXij - tXbar)^2
   Xij <- c(Xij, tXij)
   Xbar <- c(Xbar, rep(tXbar, times = nherds.p[i]))
   Xij.Xbar <- c(Xij.Xbar, tXij.Xbar)   
   ## Number of brucellosis-positive cows in each herd:
   tYij <- c()
   for(j in 1:nherds.p[i]){ 
      ttYij <- rbinom(n = 1, size = tXij[j], prob = prev.p[i]) 
      tYij <- c(tYij, ttYij)
    tYbar <- mean(tYij)
    tYij.Ybar <- (tYij - tYbar)^2
    Yij <- c(Yij, tYij)
    Ybar <- c(Ybar, rep(tYbar, times = nherds.p[i]))
    Yij.Ybar <- c(Yij.Ybar, tYij.Ybar)   

ssudat <- data.frame(prov, herd, Xij, Yij, Xbar, Ybar, Xij.Xbar, Yij.Ybar)
ssudat$XY <- (ssudat$Xij - ssudat$Xbar) * (ssudat$Yij - ssudat$Ybar)

## Collapse the herd-level data (created above) to the province level: 
prov <- as.vector(by(ssudat$prov, INDICES = ssudat$prov, FUN = min))
Xi <- as.vector(by(ssudat$Xij, INDICES = ssudat$prov, FUN = sum))
Yi <- as.vector(by(ssudat$Yij, INDICES = ssudat$prov, FUN = sum))
psudat <- data.frame(prov, Xi, Yi)

psudat$Xi.Xbar <- (psudat$Xi - mean(psudat$Xi))^2
psudat$Yi.Ybar <- (psudat$Yi - mean(psudat$Yi))^2
psudat$XY <- (psudat$Xi - mean(psudat$Xi)) * (psudat$Yi - mean(psudat$Yi))

## Number of primary and secondary sampling units:
npsu <- nrow(psudat)
nssu <- round(mean(by(ssudat$herd, INDICES = ssudat$prov, FUN = length)),
   digits = 0)
tn <- c(npsu, nssu)

## Mean of X at primary sampling unit and secondary sampling unit level:
tmean <- c(mean(psudat$Xi), mean(ssudat$Xij))

## Variance of herd size:
tsigma2.x <- c(mean(psudat$Xi.Xbar), mean(ssudat$Xij.Xbar))

## Variance of number of brucellosis-positive cows:
tsigma2.y <- c(mean(psudat$Yi.Ybar), mean(ssudat$Yij.Ybar))
tsigma2.xy <- c(mean(psudat$XY), mean(ssudat$XY))

## Finally, calculate the number of provinces to be sampled:
tR <- sum(psudat$Yi) / sum(psudat$Xi)

epi.cluster2size(nbar = 234, R = tR, n = tn, mean = tmean, 
   sigma2.x = tsigma2.x, sigma2.y = tsigma2.y, sigma2.xy = tsigma2.xy, 
   epsilon.r = 0.3, method = "proportion", conf.level = 0.95)

## Four provinces (sampling 234 herds from each) are required to be 95% 
## confident that our estimate of the individual animal prevalence of 
## brucellosis is within 30% of the true population value.

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