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epiR (version 2.0.80)

rsu.sep: Probability that the prevalence of disease in a population is less than or equal to a specified design prevalence


Calculates the probability that the prevalence of disease in a population is less than or equal to a specified design prevalence following return of a specified number of negative test results.


rsu.sep(N, n, pstar, se.u)


A vector of the estimated probability that the prevalence of disease in the population is less than or equal to the specified design prevalence.



scalar or vector, integer representing the population size.


scalar or vector, integer representing the number of units sampled.


scalar or vector of the same length as n representing the desired design prevalence.


scalar or vector of the same length as n representing the unit sensitivity.


MacDiarmid S (1988). Future options for brucellosis surveillance in New Zealand beef herds. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 36: 39 - 42.

Martin S, Shoukri M, Thorburn M (1992). Evaluating the health status of herds based on tests applied to individuals. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 14: 33 - 43.


Run this code
## The population size in a provincial area is 193,000. In a given two-
## week period 7764 individuals have been tested for COVID-19 using an
## approved PCR test which is believed to have a diagnostic sensitivity of 
## 0.85. All individuals have returned a negative result. What is the 
## probability that the prevalence of COVID-19 in this population is less 
## than or equal to 100 cases per 100,000?

rsu.sep(N = 193000, n = 7764, pstar = 100 / 100000, se.u = 0.85)

## If all of the 7764 individuals returned a negative test we can be more than
## 99% confident that the prevalence of COVID-19 in the province is less
## than 100 per 100,000.

## What is the probability that the prevalence of COVID-19 is less than or 
## equal to 10 cases per 100,000?

rsu.sep(N = 193000, n = 7764, pstar = 10 / 100000, se.u = 0.85)
## If all of the 7764 individuals returned a negative test we can be 49% 
## confident that the prevalence of COVID-19 in the province is less
## than 10 per 100,000.

## In a population of 1000 individuals 474 have been tested for disease X
## using a test with diagnostic sensitivity of 0.95. If all individuals tested
## have returned a negative result what is the maximum prevalence expected 
## if disease is actually present in the population (i.e., what is the design 
## prevalence)? 

pstar <- rsu.pstar(N = 1000, n = 474, se.p = 0.95, se.u = 0.95)

## If 474 individuals are tested from a population of 1000 and each returns a 
## negative result we can be 95% confident that the maximum prevalence (if 
## disease is actually present in the population) is 0.005.

## Confirm these calculations using function rsu.sep. If 474 individuals out 
## of a population of 1000 are tested using a test with diagnostic sensitivity
## 0.95 and all return a negative result how confident can we be that the 
## prevalence of disease in this population is 0.005 or less?

rsu.sep(N = 1000, n = 474, pstar = pstar, se.u = 0.95)

## The surveillance system sensitivity is 0.95.

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