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epitools (version 0.5-10.1)

epicurve: Construct an epidemic curve


Construct an epidemic curve


epicurve.dates(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d", strata = NULL,
               min.date, max.date, before = 7, after = 7,
               width = 1, space = 0, tick = TRUE,
               tick.offset = 0.5, segments = FALSE, ...)

epicurve.weeks(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d", strata = NULL, min.date, max.date, before = 7, after = 7, width = 1, space = 0, tick = TRUE, tick.offset = 0.5, segments = FALSE, origin = as.Date("1970-01-01"), sunday = TRUE, ...)

epicurve.months(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d", strata = NULL, min.date, max.date, before = 31, after = 31, width = 1, space = 0, tick = TRUE, tick.offset = 0.5, segments = FALSE, origin = as.Date("1970-01-01"), ...)

epicurve.hours(x, mindt, maxdt, strata = NULL, half.hour = FALSE, width = 1, space = 0, tick = TRUE, tick.offset = 0.5, segments = FALSE, ...)

epicurve.table(x, width = 1, space = 0, tick = TRUE, tick.offset = 0.5, segments = FALSE, ...)



character vector of dates


date format of x; default is of form "2004-08-10"


[optional] categorical vector (character or factor) for stratifying x


[optional] minimum calendar date for plotting x-axis of an epidemic curve; should be of the form of "2004-08-10"; if no date is specified, then several days are subtracted from the minimum date in x as specified by the before option


[optional] maximum calendar date for plotting x-axis of an epidemic curve; should be of the form of "2004-08-10"; if no date is specified, then several days are added to the maximum date in x as specified by the after option


if min.date is not specified, then these number of days are subtracted from the minimum date in x for plotting minimum calendar date for epidemic curve


if max.date is not specified, then these number of days are added to the maximum date in x for plotting maximum calendar date for epidemic curve


[required] Date-time object in standard format that will form the lower boundary of the hour or half-hour time categories. The mindt option must less than or equal to the minimum value in x, and must be rounded off to the nearst hour for hour categories (e.g., HH:00:00) or rounded off to the nearest half-hour for half-hour categories (e.g., HH:30:00).


[required] Date-time object in standard format that will form the upper boundary of the hour or half-hour time categories. The maxdt option must greater than or equal to the minimum value in x, and must be rounded off to the nearst hour for hour categories (e.g., HH:00:00) or rounded off to the nearest half-hour for half-hour categories (e.g., HH:30:00).


Set to TRUE for half-hour categories in epicurve.hours.


width of bars in the epidemic curve; this value is passed to barplot function


space between bars in the epidemic curve; this value is passed to barplot function


adds tick marks to the x-axis (default = TRUE)


offsets tick marks so that they plotted between the bars


segments bars so that each box represents one case


allows user to specify an alternative origin for Julian dates that are generated by this function (default = "1970-01-01")


First day of the week is Sunday (default = TRUE); setting to FALSE makes Monday the first day of the week


options are passed to the barplot function



returns list:


input dates are converted to standard calendar date format


input dates are also converted to a factor with levels determined by the calendar dates ($cdates) used to plot the epidemic curve


x-axis numeric values used for plotting the epidemic curve; this comes from the barplot function


the calendar dates used for plotting the epidemic curve


the day of the mon (1-31) for the calendar dates used for plotting the x-axis of the epidemic curve


the months (Jan, Feb, Mar, ...) for the calendar dates used for plotting the x-axis of the epidemic curve


the years (e.g., 1996, 2001, ...) for the calendar dates used for plotting the x-axis of the epidemic curve


returns list:


input dates are converted to standard calendar date format


first day of the week is reported


week of the year (1-53); note that week 52 or 53 can represent both last week of a year but also the first few days at the beginning of the year


the Julian date for the mid-week day of the $week value


the Julian date for the mid-week day of the $week value converted to a factor with levels determined by the Julian dates ($cstratum) used to plot the epidemic curve


the mid-week day of the $week value converted to standard calendar dates


x-axis numeric values used for plotting the epidemic curve; this comes from the barplot function


the week of the year used for plotting the x-axis of the epidemic curve


the Julian date for the mid-week day of the $cweek value used for plotting the x-axis of the epidemic curve


the standard calendar date for the mid-week day of the $cweek value used for plotting the x-axis of the epidemic curve


the day of the mon (1-31) for the calendar dates used for plotting the x-axis of the epidemic curve


the months (Jan, Feb, Mar, ...) for the calendar dates used for plotting the x-axis of the epidemic curve


the years (e.g., 1996, 2001, ...) for the calendar dates used for plotting the x-axis of the epidemic curve


returns list:


input dates are converted to standard calendar date format


month of the year (1-12)


month of the year (Jan, Feb, Mar, ...)


the Julian date for the mid-month day of the $mon value


the Julian date for the mid-month day of the $mon value converted to a factor with levels determined by the Julian dates ($cstratum)used to plot the epidemic curve


the mid-month day of the $mon value converted to standard calendar dates


x-axis numeric values used for plotting the epidemic curve; this comes from the barplot function


the month of the year (1-12) used for plotting the x-axis of the epidemic curve


the months (Jan, Feb, Mar, ...) for the calendar dates used for plotting the x-axis of the epidemic curve


the Julian date for the mid-month day of the $cmonth value used for plotting the x-axis of the epidemic curve


the standard calendar date for the mid-month day of the $cmonth value used for plotting the x-axis of the epidemic curve


the day of the mon (1-31) for the calendar dates used for plotting the x-axis of the epidemic curve


the years (e.g., 1996, 2001, ...) for the calendar dates used for plotting the x-axis of the epidemic curve


returns list:


Date-time object that contains the number of seconds since the beginning of 1970 as a numeric vector and produced by as.POSIXct. You can use as.POSIXlt to convert this output in human legible (already done by this function).






hours (0-23)


hours (1-12)


number of hours or 1/2 hours since beginning of 1970


factor (categorical variable) with number of hours of 1/2 hours since beginning of 1970 using $cstratum as the levels


factor (categorical variable) in standard date-time format indicating number of hours or 1/2 hours since beginning of 1970 using



levels for creating $stratum2 factor


levels for creating $stratum3 factor


seconds from $cstratum2


minutes from $cstratum2


hours from $cstratum2 in 24-hour format


hours from $cstratum2 in 12-hour format


corresponding 'AM' or 'PM' for $chour12


corresponding 'am' or 'pm' for $chour12


day of the week for $cstratum2


abbreviated day of the week for $cstratum2


day of the month for $cstratum2


month for $cstratum2


abbreviated month for $cstratum2


year for $cstratum2


FALSE (default) for 1-hour categories; TRUE for 1/2-hour categories


returns numeric vector:


x-axis numeric values used for plotting the epidemic curve; this comes from the barplot function


These functions makes plotting epidemic curves much easier in R. Normally, to plot an epidemic curve in R, one must do the following: (1) have disease onset dates in some calendar date format, (2) convert these onset dates into a factor with the levels specified by the range of calendar dates for the x-axis of the epidemic curve, (3) convert this factor into a table (with or without stratification), (4) use this table as an argument in the barplot function to plot the epidemic curve, and (5) make final adjustments (labels, titles, etc.).

Why use the barplot function? Strictly speaking, an epidemic curve is a histogram displaying the distribution of onset times which are categorized into, for example, dates. However, histogram functions seems to work better for measurements that our continuous (e.g., height, weight). In contrast, epidemic curves are constructed from onset time data that has been categorized into days, weeks, or months. For this type of categorical data, the barplot does a better job. The caveat, however, is that we need to specify the range of possible calendar dates, weeks, or months in order to construct an appropriate plot. To do this we convert the data into a factor with the levels specified by the possible calendar date values.

To make this whole process much easier, and to generate additional data that can be use for labeling your epidemic curve, the epicurve functions were created.



See Also

barplot, strptime


Run this code
sampdates <- seq(as.Date("2004-07-15"), as.Date("2004-09-15"), 1)
x <- sample(sampdates, 100, rep=TRUE)
xs <- sample(c("Male","Female"), 100, rep=TRUE)
epicurve.dates(x, strata = xs)
rr <- epicurve.dates(x, strata = xs, segments = TRUE,
                     axisnames = FALSE)
axis(1, at = rr$xvals, labels = rr$cmday, tick = FALSE, line = 0)
axis(1, at = rr$xvals, labels = rr$cmonth, tick = FALSE, line = 1)

sampdates <- seq(as.Date("2004-07-15"), as.Date("2004-09-15"), 1)
x <- sample(sampdates, 100, rep=TRUE)
xs <- sample(c("Male","Female"), 100, rep=TRUE)

epicurve.weeks(x, strata = xs)

rr <- epicurve.weeks(x, strata = xs, segments = TRUE)

dates <- c("1/1/04", "1/2/04", "1/3/04", "1/4/04", "1/5/04",
"1/6/04", "1/7/04", "1/8/04", "1/9/04", "1/10/04", NA, "1/12/04",
"1/14/04", "3/5/04", "5/5/04", "7/6/04", "8/18/04", "12/13/05",
"1/5/05", "4/6/05", "7/23/05", "10/3/05")
aw <- as.month(dates, format = "%m/%d/%y")
aw2 <- as.month(dates, format = "%m/%d/%y", min.date="2003-01-01")

## create vector with meal date and time
mdt <- paste("4/18/1940", oswego$meal.time)
## convert into standard date and time
meal.dt <- strptime(mdt, "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p")
## create vector with onset date and time
odt <- paste(paste(oswego$onset.date,"/1940",sep=""), oswego$onset.time)
## convert into standard date and time
onset.dt <- strptime(odt, "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p")

##set colors
col3seq.d <- c("#43A2CA", "#A8DDB5", "#E0F3DB")

par.fin <- par()$fin

##1-hour categories
xv <- epicurve.hours(onset.dt, "1940-04-18 12:00:00", "1940-04-19 12:00:00",
                     axisnames = FALSE, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0,11),
                     col = col3seq.d[1], segments =  TRUE,
                     strata = oswego$sex)

hh <- xv$chour12==3 | xv$chour12== 6 | xv$chour12== 9
hh2 <- xv$chour12==12
hh3 <- xv$chour12==1
hlab <- paste(xv$chour12,xv$campm2,sep="")
hlab2 <- paste(xv$cmonth,xv$cmday)
axis(1, at = xv$xval[hh], labels = xv$chour12[hh], tick = FALSE, line = -.2)
axis(1, at = xv$xval[hh2], labels = hlab[hh2], tick = FALSE, line = -.2)
axis(1, at = xv$xval[hh3], labels = hlab2[hh3], tick = FALSE, line = 1.0)
axis(2, las = 1)
title(main = "Figure 1. Cases of Gastrointestinal Illness
by Time of Onset of Symptoms (Hour Category)
Oswego County, New York, April 18-19, 2004",
      xlab = "Time of Onset",
      ylab = "Cases")

##1/2-hour categories
xv <- epicurve.hours(onset.dt, "1940-04-18 12:00:00", "1940-04-19 12:00:00",
                     axisnames = FALSE, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0,11),
                     col = col3seq.d[1], segments =  TRUE,
                     half.hour = TRUE, strata = oswego$sex)
hh <- xv$chour12==3 | xv$chour12== 6 | xv$chour12== 9
hh2 <- xv$chour12==12
hh3 <- xv$chour12==1
hlab <- paste(xv$chour12,xv$campm2,sep="")
hlab2 <- paste(xv$cmonth,xv$cmday)
axis(1, at = xv$xval[hh], labels = xv$chour12[hh], tick = FALSE, line = -.2)
axis(1, at = xv$xval[hh2], labels = hlab[hh2], tick = FALSE, line = -.2)
axis(1, at = xv$xval[hh3], labels = hlab2[hh3], tick = FALSE, line = 1.0)
axis(2, las = 1)
title(main = "Figure 2. Cases of Gastrointestinal Illness
by Time of Onset of Symptoms (1/2 Hour Category)
Oswego County, New York, April 18-19, 2004",
      xlab = "Time of Onset",
      ylab = "Cases")


xvec <- c(1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1)

names(xvec) <- 1991:1999

xmtx <- rbind(xvec, xvec)
rownames(xmtx) <- c("Male", "Female")

epicurve.table(xmtx, seg = TRUE)

# }

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