- topic
Character(1) containing the topic to use for the report
- countries
Character vector containing the name of the countries and regions to plot or their respective indexes on the Shiny app select, default: c(1)
- date_type
Character vector specifying the time granularity of the report either 'created_weeknum' or 'created_date', default: 'created_date'
- date_min
Date indicating start of the reporting period, default: "1900-01-01"
- date_max
Date indicating end of the reporting period, default: "2100-01-01"
- with_retweets
Logical value indicating whether to include retweets in the time series, default: FALSE
- location_type
Character(1) vector indicating the location type. Possible values 'tweet', 'user' or 'both', default: 'tweet'
- alpha
Numeric(1) value indicating the alert detection confidence, default: 0.025
- alpha_outlier
Numeric(1) value indicating the outliers detection confidence for downweighting, default: 0.05
- k_decay
Strength of outliers downweighting, default: 4
- no_historic
Number of observations to build the baseline for signal detection, default: 7
- bonferroni_correction
Logical value indicating whether to apply the Bonferroni correction for signal detection, default: FALSE
- same_weekday_baseline
Logical value indicating whether to use same day of weeks for building the baseline or consecutive days, default: FALSE