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ergm (version 3.9.4)

is.inCH: Determine whether a vector is in the closure of the convex hull of some sample of vectors


is.inCH returns TRUE if and only if p is contained in the convex hull of the points given as the rows of M. If p is a matrix, each row is tested individually, and TRUE is returned if all rows are in the convex hull.


is.inCH(p, M, verbose = FALSE, ...)



A \(d\)-dimensional vector or a matrix with \(d\) columns


An \(r\) by \(d\) matrix. Each row of M is a \(d\)-dimensional vector.


A logical vector indicating whether to print progress

arguments passed directly to linear program solver


Logical, telling whether p is (or all rows of p are) in the closed convex hull of the points in M.


The \(d\)-vector p is in the convex hull of the \(d\)-vectors forming the rows of M if and only if there exists no separating hyperplane between p and the rows of M. This condition may be reworded as follows:

Letting \(q=(1 p')'\) and \(L = (1 M)\), if the maximum value of \(z'q\) for all \(z\) such that \(z'L \le 0\) equals zero (the maximum must be at least zero since z=0 gives zero), then there is no separating hyperplane and so p is contained in the convex hull of the rows of M. So the question of interest becomes a constrained optimization problem.

Solving this problem relies on the package lpSolve to solve a linear program. We may put the program in "standard form" by writing \(z=a-b\), where \(a\) and \(b\) are nonnegative vectors. If we write \(x=(a' b')'\), we obtain the linear program given by:

Minimize \((-q' q')x\) subject to \(x'(L -L) \le 0\) and \(x \ge 0\). One additional constraint arises because whenever any strictly negative value of \((-q' q')x\) may be achieved, doubling \(x\) arbitrarily many times makes this value arbitrarily large in the negative direction, so no minimizer exists. Therefore, we add the constraint \((q' -q')x \le 1\).

This function is used in the "stepping" algorithm of Hummel et al (2012).
