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ergm (version 4.8.1)

ergm-options: Global options and term options for the ergm package


Options set via the built-in options() functions that affect ergm estimation and options that control the behavior of some terms.


Global options and defaults

ergm.eval.loglik = TRUE

Whether ergm() and similar functions will evaluate the likelihood of the fitted model. Can be overridden for a specific call by passing eval.loglik argument directly.

ergm.loglik.warn_dyads = TRUE

Whether log-likelihood evaluation should issue a warning when the effective number of dyads that can vary in the sample space is poorly defined, such as if the degree sequence is constrained.

ergm.cluster.retries = 5

ergm's parallel routines implement rudimentary fault-tolerance. This option controls the number of retries for a cluster call before giving up.

ergm.term = list()

The default term options below.

ergm.ABI.action = "stop"

What to do when ergm detects that one of its extension packages had been compiled with a different version of ergm from the current one that makes changes at the C level that can cause problems. Other choices include

"stop", "abort"

stop with an error


warn and proceed

"message", "inform"

print a message and proceed


return the value without side-effects


skip the check, always returning TRUE

Partial matching is supported.

Term options

Term options can be set in three places, in the order of precedence from high to low:

  1. As a term argument (not always). For example, gw.cutoff below can be set in a gwesp term by gwesp(..., cutoff=X).

  2. For functions such as summary that take ergm formulas but do not take a control list, the named arguments passed in as .... E.g, summary(nw~gwesp(.5,fix=TRUE), gw.cutoff=60) will evaluate the GWESP statistic with its cutoff set to 60.

  3. As an element in a term.options= list passed via a control function such as control.ergm() or, for functions that do not, in a list with that argument name. E.g., summary(nw~gwesp(.5,fix=TRUE), term.options=list(gw.cutoff=60)) has the same effect.

  4. As an element in a global option list ergm.term above.

The following options are in use by terms in the ergm package:


A string that can be interpreted as an R package version. If set, the term will attempt to emulate its behavior as it was that version of ergm. Not all past version behaviors are available.


In geometrically weighted terms (gwesp, gwdegree, etc.) the highest number of shared partners, degrees, etc. for which to compute the statistic. This usually defaults to 30.


Whether the gwesp, dgwesp, and similar terms need should use a cache for the dyadwise number of shared partners. This usually improves performance significantly at a modest memory cost, and therefore defaults to TRUE, but it can be disabled.


Whether to allow and how to handle the user attempting to interact dyad-dependent terms (e.g., absdiff("age"):triangles or absdiff("age")*triangles as opposed to absdiff("age"):nodefactor("sex")). Possible values are "error" (the default), "message", and "warning", for their respective actions, and "silent" for simply processing the term.