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ergm (version 4.8.1)

update.network: Update the edges in a network based on a matrix


Replaces the edges in a network object with the edges corresponding to the sociomatrix or edge list specified by new.


# S3 method for network
update(object, ...)

update_network(object, new, ...)

# S3 method for matrix_edgelist update_network(object, new, attrname = if (ncol(new) > 2) names(new)[3], ...)

# S3 method for data.frame update_network(object, new, attrname = if (ncol(new) > 2) names(new)[3], ...)

# S3 method for matrix update_network(object, new, matrix.type = NULL, attrname = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for ergm_state update_network(object, new, ...)


A new network object with the edges specified by new and network and vertex attributes copied from the input network object. Input network is not modified.



a network object.


Additional arguments; currently unused.


Either an adjacency matrix (a matrix of values indicating the presence and/or the value of a tie from i to j) or an edge list (a two-column matrix listing origin and destination node numbers for each edge, with an optional third column for the value of the edge).


For a network with edge weights gives the name of the edge attribute whose names to set.


One of "adjacency" or "edgelist" telling which type of matrix new is. Default is to use the which.matrix.type() function.


  • update_network(): dispatcher for network update based on the type of updating information.

  • update_network(matrix_edgelist): a method for updating a network based on a matrix-form edgelist

  • update_network(data.frame): a method for updating a network based on an edgelist

  • update_network(matrix): a method for updating a network based on a matrix

  • update_network(ergm_state): a method for updating a network based on an ergm_state object.

See Also

ergm(), network


Run this code

# test the network.update function
# Create a Bernoulli network
rand.net <- network(network.size(flomarriage))
# store the sociomatrix 
rand.mat <- rand.net[,]
# Update the network
update(flomarriage, rand.mat, matrix.type="adjacency")
# Try this with an edgelist
rand.mat <- as.matrix.network.edgelist(flomarriage)[1:5,]
update(flomarriage, rand.mat, matrix.type="edgelist")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab