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ergmito (version 0.3-1)

matrix_to_network: Manipulation of network objects


This function implements a vectorized version of network::network.adjmat. It allows us to turn regular matrices into network objects quickly.


matrix_to_network(x, ...)

# S3 method for matrix matrix_to_network( x, directed = rep(TRUE, length(x)), hyper = rep(FALSE, length(x)), loops = rep(FALSE, length(x)), multiple = rep(FALSE, length(x)), bipartite = rep(FALSE, length(x)), ... )


An object of class network. This is a list with the following elements:

  • mel Master Edge List: A named list with length equal to the number of edges in the network. The list itself has 3 elements: inl (tail), outl (head), and atl (attribute). By default atl, a list itself, has a single element: na.

  • gal Graph Attributes List: a named list with the following elements:

    • n Number of nodes

    • mnext Number of edges + 1

    • directed,hyper,loops,multiple,bipartite The arguments passed to the function.

  • val Vertex Attributes List

  • iel In Edgest List

  • oel Out Edgest List



Either a single square matrix (adjacency matrix), or a list of these.


Further arguments passed to the method.


Logical scalar, if FALSE then the function only checks the upper diagonal of the matrix assuming it is undirected.

hyper, multiple, bipartite

Currently Ignored. Right now all the network objects created by this function set these parameters as FALSE.


Logical scalar. When FALSE (default) it will skip the diagonal of the adjacency matrix.


This version does not support adding the name parameter yet. The function in the network package includes the name of the vertices as an attribute.

Just like in the network function, NA are checked and added accordingly, i.e. if there is an NA in the matrix, then the value is recorded as a missing edge.


Run this code
adjmats  <- rbernoulli(rep(5, 20))
networks <- matrix_to_network(adjmats)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab