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eseis (version 0.8.0)

aux_getFDSNstation: Query FDSN data base for stations


This function queries as series of data bases for seismic stations that match a set of criteria for seismic data. The criteria include signal time stamp and location, and component. The returned data can be used to download data using the function aux_FDSNdata.


aux_getFDSNstation(centre, radius, start, access, url)


Data frame with query results. The data frame contains information for all seismic stations fulfilling the defined criteria.



Numeric vector of length two, center coordinates of the location to search data for (c(latitude, longitude)). Units must be decimal degrees.


Numeric value, radius within which to search for seismic stations. Unit must be decimal degrees.


POSIXct value, start time of the data to query. If omitted, stations are queried for the full time available.


Logical value, access type of the data. If omitted, all data sets are returned, if set TRUE, only data with access flag "open" are returned.


Character vector, optional other FDSN base web addresses to search for stations. See details for default addresses and their format.


Michael Dietze


The function requires a working internet connection to perform the query. It uses the following FDSN data bases by default:

  • orfeus "http://www.orfeus-eu.org"

  • geofon "http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/"

  • bgr "http://eida.bgr.de"

  • sss "http://eida.ethz.ch"

Other FDSN data base addresses can be provided in the same way as the addresses in the above list. They need to be provided as character vector. For a list of addresses see "http://www.fdsn.org/webservices/datacenters/" and "http://docs.obspy.org/packages/obspy.clients.fdsn.html#module-obspy.clients.fdsn".

See Also

aux_get_FDSNdata, aux_getIRISstation


Run this code

if (FALSE) {

x <- aux_getFDSNstation(start = as.POSIXct(x = "2010-01-01 22:22:22", 
                                           tz = "UTC"), 
                        centre = c(45, 10), 
                        radius = 1)
## optionally plot station locations on a map (requires RgoogleMaps)
center <- c(mean(x$station_latitude), 

zoom <- min(RgoogleMaps::MaxZoom(range(x$station_latitude), 
Map <- RgoogleMaps::GetMap(center = center,
                           zoom = zoom, 
                           maptype = "terrain")
RgoogleMaps::PlotOnStaticMap(MyMap = Map, 
                             lat = x$station_latitude, 
                             lon = x$station_longitude, 
                             pch = 15, 
                             col = 4)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab