Internal method that creates linear fits
yoriginal = NULL,
Xoriginal = NULL,
fixed_effects = NULL,
ci = TRUE,
alpha = 0.05,
return_vcov = TRUE,
return_fit = TRUE,
try_cholesky = FALSE,
iv_stage = list(0)
numeric outcome vector
numeric design matrix
numeric outcome vector, unprojected if there are fixed effects
numeric design matrix, unprojected if there are fixed effects. Any column named "(Intercept)" will be dropped
numeric weights vector
numeric cluster vector
character matrix of fixed effect groups
boolean that when T returns confidence intervals and p-values
character denoting which kind of SEs to return
logical, whether the model has an intercept, used for \(R^2\)
numeric denoting the test size for confidence intervals
logical, whether to return the vcov matrix for later usage
logical, whether to return fitted values
logical, whether to try using a cholesky decomposition to solve LS instead of a QR decomposition
list of length two, the first element denotes the stage of 2SLS IV estimation, where 0 is used for OLS. The second element is only used for the second stage of 2SLS and has the first stage design matrix. For OLS, the default, list(0)
, for the first stage of 2SLS list(1)
, for second stage of 2SLS list(2, first_stage_design_mat)