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evolqg (version 0.3-4)

KrzSubspaceBootstrap: Quasi-Bayesian Krzanowski subspace comparison


Calculates the usual Krzanowski subspace comparison using a posterior samples for a set of phenotypic covariance matrices. Then, this observed comparison is contrasted to the subspace comparison across a permutation of the original data. Residuals, which are used to calculate the observed P-matrices, are shuffled across groups. This process is repeated, creating a null distribution of subspace comparisons under the hypothesis that all P-matrices come from the same population. This method is a modification on the fully Bayesian method proposed in Aguirre et. al 2013 and improved in Morrisey et al 2019.


KrzSubspaceBootstrap(x, rep = 1, MCMCsamples = 1000, parallel = FALSE)


A list with the observed and randomized eigenvalue distributions for the posterior Krz Subspace comparisons.



list of linear models from which P-matrices should be calculated


number of bootstrap samples to be made


number of MCMCsamples for each P-matrix posterior distribution.


if TRUE computations are done in parallel. Some foreach backend must be registered, like doParallel or doMC.


Aguirre, J. D., E. Hine, K. McGuigan, and M. W. Blows. 2013. “Comparing G: multivariate analysis of genetic variation in multiple populations.” Heredity 112 (February): 21–29.

Morrissey, Michael B., Sandra Hangartner, and Keyne Monro. 2019. “A Note on Simulating Null Distributions for G Matrix Comparisons.” Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution 73 (12): 2512–17.

See Also

KrzSubspaceDataFrame, PlotKrzSubspace


Run this code

# \donttest{

model_formula = paste("cbind(", paste(names(ratones)[13:20], collapse = ", "), ") ~ SEX")
lm_models = dlply(ratones, .(LIN), function(df) lm(as.formula(model_formula), data = df))
krz_comparsion = KrzSubspaceBootstrap(lm_models, rep = 100, MCMCsamples = 1000)
krz_df = KrzSubspaceDataFrame(krz_comparsion)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab