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evolqg (version 0.3-4)

MantelModTest: Test single modularity hypothesis using Mantel correlation


Calculates the correlation and Mantel significance test between a hypothetical binary modularity matrix and a correlation matrix. Also gives mean correlation within- and between-modules. This function is usually only called by TestModularity.


MantelModTest(cor.hypothesis, cor.matrix, ...)

# S3 method for default MantelModTest( cor.hypothesis, cor.matrix, permutations = 1000, MHI = FALSE, ..., landmark.dim = NULL, withinLandmark = FALSE )

# S3 method for list MantelModTest( cor.hypothesis, cor.matrix, permutations = 1000, MHI = FALSE, landmark.dim = NULL, withinLandmark = FALSE, ..., parallel = FALSE )


Returns a vector with the matrix correlation, significance via Mantel, within- and between module correlation.



Hypothetical correlation matrix, with 1s within-modules and 0s between modules.


Observed empirical correlation matrix.


additional arguments passed to MantelCor


Number of permutations used in significance calculation.


Indicates if Modularity Hypothesis Index should be calculated instead of AVG Ratio.


Used if permutations should be performed maintaining landmark structure in geometric morphometric data. Either 2 for 2d data or 3 for 3d data. Default is NULL for non geometric morphometric data.


Logical. If TRUE within-landmark correlation are used in calculation of correlation. Only used if landmark.dim is passed, default is FALSE.


if TRUE computations are done in parallel. Some foreach back-end must be registered, like doParallel or doMC.


Diogo Melo, Guilherme Garcia


CalcAVG can be used when a significance test is not required.


Porto, Arthur, Felipe B. Oliveira, Leila T. Shirai, Valderes Conto, and Gabriel Marroig. 2009. "The Evolution of Modularity in the Mammalian Skull I: Morphological Integration Patterns and Magnitudes." Evolutionary Biology 36 (1): 118-35. doi:10.1007/s11692-008-9038-3.

Modularity and Morphometrics: Error Rates in Hypothesis Testing Guilherme Garcia, Felipe Bandoni de Oliveira, Gabriel Marroig bioRxiv 030874; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/030874

See Also



Run this code
# Create a single modularity hypothesis:
hypot = rep(c(1, 0), each = 6)
cor.hypot = CreateHypotMatrix(hypot)

# First with an unstructured matrix:
un.cor = RandomMatrix(12)
MantelModTest(cor.hypot, un.cor)

# Now with a modular matrix:
hypot.mask = matrix(as.logical(cor.hypot), 12, 12)
mod.cor = matrix(NA, 12, 12)
mod.cor[ hypot.mask] = runif(length(mod.cor[ hypot.mask]), 0.8, 0.9) # within-modules
mod.cor[!hypot.mask] = runif(length(mod.cor[!hypot.mask]), 0.3, 0.4) # between-modules
diag(mod.cor) = 1
mod.cor = (mod.cor + t(mod.cor))/2 # correlation matrices should be symmetric

MantelModTest(cor.hypot, mod.cor)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab