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evolqg (version 0.3-4)

MatrixDistance: Matrix distance


Calculates Distances between covariance matrices.


MatrixDistance(cov.x, cov.y, distance, ...)

# S3 method for default MatrixDistance(cov.x, cov.y, distance = c("OverlapDist", "RiemannDist"), ...)

# S3 method for list MatrixDistance( cov.x, cov.y = NULL, distance = c("OverlapDist", "RiemannDist"), ..., parallel = FALSE )


If cov.x and cov.y are passed, returns distance between them.

If is a list cov.x and cov.y are passed, same as above, but for all matrices in cov.x.

If only a list is passed to cov.x, a matrix of Distances is returned



Single covariance matrix or list of covariance matrices. If single matrix is supplied, it is compared to cov.y. If list is supplied and no cov.y is supplied, all matrices are compared. If cov.y is supplied, all matrices in list are compared to it.


First argument is compared to cov.y. Optional if cov.x is a list.


distance function for use in calculation. Currently supports "Riemann" and "Overlap".


additional arguments passed to other methods


if TRUE and a list is passed, computations are done in parallel. Some foreach back-end must be registered, like doParallel or doMC.


Diogo Melo

See Also



Run this code
c1 <- RandomMatrix(10)
c2 <- RandomMatrix(10)
c3 <- RandomMatrix(10)
MatrixDistance(c1, c2, "OverlapDist")
MatrixDistance(c1, c2, "RiemannDist")

# Compare multiple matrices
MatrixDistance(list(c1, c2, c3), distance = "OverlapDist")

# Compare multiple matrices to a target matrix
c4 <- RandomMatrix(10)
MatrixDistance(list(c1, c2, c3), c4)

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