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evolqg (version 0.3-4)

ProjectMatrix: Project Covariance Matrix


This function projects a given covariance matrix into the basis provided by an eigentensor decomposition.


ProjectMatrix(matrix, etd)


Vector of scores of given covariance matrix onto eigentensor basis.



A symmetric covariance matrix for k traits


Eigentensor decomposition of m covariance matrices for k traits (obtained from EigenTensorDecomposition)


Guilherme Garcia, Diogo Melo


Basser P. J., Pajevic S. 2007. Spectral decomposition of a 4th-order covariance tensor: Applications to diffusion tensor MRI. Signal Processing. 87:220-236.

Hine E., Chenoweth S. F., Rundle H. D., Blows M. W. 2009. Characterizing the evolution of genetic variance using genetic covariance tensors. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences. 364:1567-78.

See Also

EigenTensorDecomposition, RevertMatrix


Run this code
# this function is useful for projecting posterior samples for a set of 
# covariance matrices onto the eigentensor decomposition done 
# on their estimated means
# \donttest{

dentus.models <- dlply(dentus, .(species), lm, 
                       formula = cbind(humerus, ulna, femur, tibia) ~ 1)

dentus.matrices <- llply(dentus.models, BayesianCalculateMatrix, samples = 100)

dentus.post.vcv <- laply(dentus.matrices, function (L) L $ Ps)
dentus.post.vcv <- aperm(dentus.post.vcv, c(3, 4, 1, 2))

dentus.mean.vcv <- aaply(dentus.post.vcv, 3, MeanMatrix)
dentus.mean.vcv <- aperm(dentus.mean.vcv, c(2, 3, 1))

dentus.mean.etd <- EigenTensorDecomposition(dentus.mean.vcv)
dentus.mean.proj <- data.frame('species' = LETTERS [1:5], dentus.mean.etd $ projection)

dentus.post.proj <- adply(dentus.post.vcv, c(3, 4), ProjectMatrix, etd = dentus.mean.etd)
colnames(dentus.post.proj) [1:2] <- c('species', 'sample')
levels(dentus.post.proj $ species) <- LETTERS[1:5]

ggplot() +
  geom_point(aes(x = ET1, y = ET2, color = species), 
     data = dentus.mean.proj, shape = '+', size = 8) +
  geom_point(aes(x = ET1, y = ET2, color = species), 
     data = dentus.post.proj, shape = '+', size = 3) +
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab