Various parameters that control aspects of the evtree
evtree.control(minbucket = 7L, minsplit = 20L, maxdepth = 9L,
niterations = 10000L, ntrees = 100L, alpha = 1,
operatorprob = list(pmutatemajor = 0.2, pmutateminor = 0.2,
pcrossover = 0.2, psplit = 0.2, pprune = 0.2),
seed = NULL, …)
the minimum sum of weights in a terminal node.
the minimum sum of weights in a node in order to be considered for splitting.
maximum depth of the tree. Note, that the memory requirements increase by the square of the m'aximum tree depth.
in case the run does not converge, it terminates
after a specified number of iterations defined by niterations
the number of trees in the population.
regulates the complexity part of the cost function. Increasing values of alpha encourage decreasing tree sizes.
list or vector of probabilities for the selection of variation operators. May also be specified partially in which case the default values are still used for the unspecified arguments. Always scaled to sum to 100 percent.
an numeric seed to initialize the random number generator
(for reproducibility). By default the seed is randomly drawn using
in order to inherit the state of
. If set to seed = -1L
the random number generator is initialized by the system time.
additional arguments.
A list with the (potentially processed) control parameters.