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export (version 0.3.0)

table2spreadsheet: Export statistical output to a table in spreadsheet compatible format (.xlsx or .csv)


Export currently showing R stats object or stats object obj to a Microsoft Excel / LibreOffice Calc or comma-separated value file


  x = NULL,
  file = "Rtable",
  type = c("XLS", "CSV", "CSV2"),
  append = FALSE,
  sheetName = "new sheet",
  digits = 2,
  digitspvals = 2,
  trim.pval = 1e-16,
  add.rownames = FALSE,





A data frame



given R stats object to export; if set to NULL the output of the previous R command will be exported.


name of output file. The .xlsx or .csv extension is added automatically.


desired output type - "XLS" for Excel and "CSV"/"CSV2" for CSV file. Note that type="CSV2" will generate a CSV file where the value separator is a semi-colon (";") and the decimal separator is a comma (",")


logical value - if TRUE and type="XLS" it will add a new woorksheet to the given file, where file can also be a given corporate. append=FALSE any existing file will be overwritten.


a string giving the name of the new sheet that is created (only for type=="XLS"). It must be unique (case insensitive) from any existing sheet name in the file.


number of significant digits to show for all columns except for the column with p values.


number of significant digits to show for columns with p values.


a threshold below which the p-values are trimmed as "< trim.pval".


logical specifying whether or not to add row names.


extra options are passed on to createStyle for the formatting of the woorksheet. This is only applicable for type=="XLS".


  • table2excel(): Export statistical output to a table in a Microsoft Office Excel/ LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet

  • table2csv(): Export statistical output to a table in a CSV format ("," for value separation and "." for decimal)

  • table2csv2(): Export statistical output to a table in a CSV format (";" for value separation and "," for decimal)


Tom Wenseleers, Christophe Vanderaa


Columns corresponding to degrees of freedom (with header "Df" or "df") are always given as integers. Objects that can be exported with table2office are all those supported by xtable and tidy. The function will first use xtable to format the data. If the data class is not supported by xtable the function will then use tidy. The data classes suported by xtable are:

  • anova

  • aov

  • aovlist

  • data.frame

  • glm

  • gmsar

  • lagImpact

  • lm

  • matrix

  • prcomp

  • sarlm

  • sarlm.pred

  • spautolm

  • sphet

  • splm

  • stsls

  • summary.aov

  • summary.aovlist

  • summary.glm

  • summary.gmsar

  • summary.lm

  • summary.prcomp

  • summary.sarlm

  • summary.spautolm

  • summary.sphet

  • summary.splm

  • summary.stsls

  • table

  • ts

  • zoo

The data classes suported by tidy are:

  • aareg

  • acf

  • Arima

  • betareg

  • biglm

  • binDesign

  • binWidth

  • brmsfit

  • btergm

  • cch

  • character

  • cld

  • coeftest

  • confint.glht

  • cv.glmnet

  • default

  • density

  • dgCMatrix

  • dgTMatrix

  • dist

  • emmGrid

  • ergm

  • felm

  • fitdistr

  • ftable

  • gam

  • Gam

  • gamlss

  • geeglm

  • glht

  • glmnet

  • glmRob

  • gmm

  • htest

  • ivreg

  • kappa

  • kde

  • kmeans

  • Line

  • Lines

  • list

  • lme

  • lmodel2

  • lmRob

  • logical

  • lsmobj

  • manova

  • map

  • Mclust

  • merMod

  • mle2

  • muhaz

  • multinom

  • nlrq

  • nls

  • NULL

  • numeric

  • orcutt

  • pairwise.htest

  • plm

  • poLCA

  • Polygon

  • Polygons

  • power.htest

  • pyears

  • rcorr

  • ref.grid

  • ridgelm

  • rjags

  • roc

  • rowwise_df

  • rq

  • rqs

  • sparseMatrix

  • SpatialLinesDataFrame

  • SpatialPolygons

  • SpatialPolygonsDataFrame

  • spec

  • speedlm

  • stanfit

  • stanreg

  • summary.glht

  • summaryDefault

  • survdiff

  • survexp

  • survfit

  • survreg

  • tbl_df

  • TukeyHSD

See Also

table2tex, table2html, table2office


Run this code
# Create a file name
filen <- tempfile(pattern = "table_aov") # or 
# filen <- paste("YOUR_DIR/table_aov")

# Generate ANOVA output
fit=aov(yield ~ block + N * P + K, data = npk) # 'npk' dataset from base 'datasets'

# Save ANOVA table as a CSV
### Option 1: pass output as object
table2csv(x=x,file=filen, digits = 1, digitspvals = 3)
### Option 2: get output from console 
table2csv(file=filen, digits = 2, digitspvals = 4)

# Save ANOVA table as an Excel
# Without formatting of the worksheet
table2excel(file=filen, sheetName="aov_noformatting", 
            digits = 1, digitspvals = 3) 
# With formatting of the worksheet
table2excel(x=x,file=filen, sheetName="aov_formated", 
            append = TRUE, add.rownames=TRUE, fontName="Arial", 
            fontSize = 14, fontColour = rgb(0.15,0.3,0.75), 
            border=c("top", "bottom"), fgFill = rgb(0.9,0.9,0.9), 
            halign = "center", valign = "center", textDecoration="italic") 

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab