# with data.frame
dict = data.frame(num=1:26, small=letters, cap=LETTERS, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(dict) = paste0('rows', 1:26)
identical(vlookup_df(1:3, dict), dict[1:3,]) # should be TRUE
vlookup(c(45,1:3,58), dict, result_column='cap')
vlookup_df(c('z','d','f'), dict, lookup_column = 'small')
vlookup_df(c('rows7', 'rows2', 'rows5'), dict, lookup_column = 'row.names')
# with vector
names(dict) = letters
vlookup(c(2,4,6), dict, result_column='row.names')
# The same results
vlookup(c(2,4,6), dict, result_column='rownames')
vlookup(c(2,4,6), dict, result_column='names')
# example for 'add_columns' from base 'merge'
authors = sheet(
surname = c("Tukey", "Venables", "Tierney", "Ripley", "McNeil"),
nationality = c("US", "Australia", "US", "UK", "Australia"),
deceased = c("yes", rep("no", 4))
books = sheet(
surname = c("Tukey", "Venables", "Tierney",
"Ripley", "Ripley", "McNeil", "R Core"),
title = c("Exploratory Data Analysis",
"Modern Applied Statistics ...",
"Spatial Statistics", "Stochastic Simulation",
"Interactive Data Analysis",
"An Introduction to R")
add_columns(books, authors)
# Just for fun. Examples borrowed from Microsoft Excel.
# It is not the R way of doing things.
# Example 2
ex2 = utils::read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
Item_ID Item Cost Markup
ST-340 Stroller 145.67 0.30
BI-567 Bib 3.56 0.40
DI-328 Diapers 21.45 0.35
WI-989 Wipes 5.12 0.40
AS-469 Aspirator 2.56 0.45
", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Calculates the retail price of diapers by adding the markup percentage to the cost.
vlookup("DI-328", ex2, 3) * (1 + vlookup("DI-328", ex2, 4)) # 28.9575
# Calculates the sale price of wipes by subtracting a specified discount from
# the retail price.
(vlookup("WI-989", ex2, "Cost") * (1 + vlookup("WI-989", ex2, "Markup"))) * (1 - 0.2) # 5.7344
A2 = ex2[1, "Item_ID"]
A3 = ex2[2, "Item_ID"]
# If the cost of an item is greater than or equal to $20.00, displays the string
# "Markup is nn%"; otherwise, displays the string "Cost is under $20.00".
ifelse(vlookup(A2, ex2, "Cost") >= 20,
paste0("Markup is " , 100 * vlookup(A2, ex2, "Markup"),"%"),
"Cost is under $20.00") # Markup is 30%
# If the cost of an item is greater than or equal to $20.00, displays the string
# Markup is nn%"; otherwise, displays the string "Cost is $n.nn".
ifelse(vlookup(A3, ex2, "Cost") >= 20,
paste0("Markup is: " , 100 * vlookup(A3, ex2, "Markup") , "%"),
paste0("Cost is $", vlookup(A3, ex2, "Cost"))) #Cost is $3.56
# Example 3
ex3 = utils::read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
ID Last_name First_name Title Birth_date
1 Davis Sara 'Sales Rep.' 12/8/1968
2 Fontana Olivier 'V.P. of Sales' 2/19/1952
3 Leal Karina 'Sales Rep.' 8/30/1963
4 Patten Michael 'Sales Rep.' 9/19/1958
5 Burke Brian 'Sales Mgr.' 3/4/1955
6 Sousa Luis 'Sales Rep.' 7/2/1963
", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# If there is an employee with an ID of 5, displays the employee's last name;
# otherwise, displays the message "Employee not found".
if_na(vlookup(5, ex3, "Last_name"), "Employee not found") # Burke
# Many employees
if_na(vlookup(1:10, ex3, "Last_name"), "Employee not found")
# For the employee with an ID of 4, concatenates the values of three cells into
# a complete sentence.
paste0(vlookup(4, ex3, "First_name"), " ",
vlookup(4, ex3, "Last_name"), " is a ",
vlookup(4, ex3, "Title")) # Michael Patten is a Sales Rep.
# }
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