data(annMax) # Annual Discharge Maxima (streamflow)
distLquantile(annMax, emp=FALSE)[,] # several distribution functions in lmomco
if (FALSE) {
## Taken out from CRAN package check because it's slow
distLquantile(annMax, truncate=0.8, probs=0.95)[,] # POT (annMax already block maxima)
dlf <- distLquantile(annMax, probs=0.95, list=TRUE)
plotLquantile(dlf, linargs=list(lwd=3), nbest=5, breaks=10)
# Parametric 95% quantile estimates range from 92 to 111!
# But the best fitting distributions all lie aroud 103.
# compare General Pareto Fitting methods
# Theoretically, the tails of distributions converge to GPD (General Pareto)
# q_gpd compares several R packages for fitting and quantile estimation:
dlq <- distLquantile(annMax, weighted=FALSE, quiet=TRUE, probs=0.97, list=TRUE)
plotLquantile(dlq) # per default best fitting distribution functions
plotLquantile(dlq, row=c("wak","GPD*"), nbest=14)
#pdf("dummy.pdf", width=9)
plotLquantile(dlq, row="GPD*", nbest=13, xlim=c(102,110),
linargs=list(lwd=3), heights=seq(0.02, 0.005, len=14))
# Sanity checks: important for very small samples:
x1 <- c(2.6, 2.5, 2.9, 3, 5, 2.7, 2.7, 5.7, 2.8, 3.1, 3.6, 2.6, 5.8, 5.6, 5.7, 5.3)
q1 <- distLquantile(x1, sanerange=c(0,500), sanevals=c(NA,500))
x2 <- c(6.1, 2.4, 4.1, 2.4, 6, 6.3, 2.9, 6.8, 3.5)
q2 <- distLquantile(x2, sanerange=c(0,500), sanevals=c(NA,500), quiet=FALSE)
x3 <- c(4.4, 3, 1.8, 7.3, 2.1, 2.1, 1.8, 1.8)
q3 <- distLquantile(x3, sanerange=c(0,500), sanevals=c(NA,500))
# weighted distribution quantiles are calculated by different weighting schemes:
# If speed is important and parameters are already available, pass them via dlf:
distLquantile(dlf=dlf, probs=0:5/5, selection=c("wak","gev","kap"))
distLquantile(dlf=dlf, truncate=0.3, list=TRUE)$truncate
# censored (truncated, trimmed) quantile, Peak Over Treshold (POT) method:
qwak <- distLquantile(annMax, sel="wak", prob=0.95, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE)
plotLquantile(qwak, ylim=c(0,0.06) ); qwak$quant
qwak2 <-distLquantile(annMax, sel="wak", prob=0.95, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE, truncate=0.6)
plotLquantile(qwak2, add=TRUE, distcols="blue")
# Simulation of truncation effect
rnum <- rlmomco(n=1e3, para=dlf$parameter$gev)
myprobs <- c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999)
mytrunc <- seq(0, 0.9, length.out=20)
trunceffect <- sapply(mytrunc, function(mt) distLquantile(rnum, selection="gev",
probs=myprobs, truncate=mt, quiet=TRUE,
# If more values are truncated, the function runs faster
op <- par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(2,4.5,2,0.5), cex.main=1)
dlf1 <- distLquantile(rnum, sel="gev", probs=myprobs, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE)
dlf2 <- distLquantile(rnum, sel="gev", probs=myprobs, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE, truncate=0.3)
plotLquantile(dlf1, ylab="", xlab="")
plotLquantile(dlf2, add=TRUE, distcols=4)
legend("right", c("fitted GEV", "fitted with truncate=0.3"), lty=1, col=c(2,4), bg="white")
plot(mytrunc, trunceffect[1,], ylim=range(trunceffect), las=1, type="l",
main=c("High quantiles of 1000 random numbers from gev distribution",
"Estimation based on proportion of lower values truncated"),
xlab="", ylab="parametric quantile")
title(xlab="Proportion censored", mgp=c(1.8,1,0))
for(i in 2:4) lines(mytrunc, trunceffect[i,])
textField(rep(0.5,4), trunceffect[,11], paste0("Q",myprobs*100,"%") )
trunc <- seq(0,0.1,len=200)
dd <- pbsapply(trunc, function(t) distLquantile(annMax,
selection="gpa", weight=FALSE, truncate=t, prob=0.99, quiet=T)[c(1,3),])
plot(trunc, dd[1,], type="o", las=1)
lines(trunc, dd[2,], type="o", col=2)
set.seed(3); rnum <- rlmomco(n=1e3, para=dlf$parameter$gpa)
qd99 <- evir::quant(rnum, p=0.99, start=15, end=1000, ci=0.5, models=30)
axis(3, at=seq(-1000,0, length=6), labels=0:5/5, pos=par("usr")[3])
title(xlab="Proportion truncated", line=-3)
mytrunc <- seq(0, 0.9, length.out=30)
trunceffect <- sapply(mytrunc, function(mt) distLquantile(rnum, selection="gpa",
probs=0.99, truncate=mt, plot=FALSE, quiet=TRUE,
empirical=FALSE, gpd=TRUE))
lines(-1000*(1-mytrunc), trunceffect[1,], col=4)
lines(-1000*(1-mytrunc), trunceffect[2,], col=3) # interesting...
for(i in 3:13) lines(-1000*(1-mytrunc), trunceffect[i,], col=3) # interesting...
# If you want the estimates only for one single truncation, use
q_gpd(rnum, probs=myprobs, truncate=0.5)
} # end dontrun
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