q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.6)
q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85)
q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.91)
q_gpd(annMax, package="evir")
q_gpd(annMax, package="evir", method="ml")
q_gpd(annMax, package="evd")
q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes")
q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes", method="GMLE")
#q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes", method="Bayesian") # computes a while
q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes", method="Lmoments")
q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes", method="nonsense") # NAs
q_gpd(annMax, package="fExtremes") # log warnings
q_gpd(annMax, package="fExtremes", efquiet=TRUE) # silenced warnings
q_gpd(annMax, package="fExtremes", method= "mle")
q_gpd(annMax, package="ismev")
q_gpd(annMax, package="Renext")
q_gpd(annMax, package="Renext", method="f")
berryFunctions::is.error(q_gpd(annMax, package="nonsense"), force=TRUE)
# compare all at once with
d <- distLquantile(annMax); d
# d <- distLquantile(annMax, speed=FALSE); d # for Bayesian also
q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, package="evd") # Note about quantiles
q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, package="evir")
q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, package="evir", quiet=TRUE) # No note
q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, package="evir", undertruncNA=FALSE)
q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, package="evir", list=TRUE)
str( q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, probs=0.6, package="evir", list=TRUE) )# NAs
str( q_gpd(annMax, package="evir", list=TRUE) )
str( q_gpd(annMax, package="evd", list=TRUE) )
str( q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes", list=TRUE) )
str( q_gpd(annMax, package="fExtremes", list=TRUE) )
str( q_gpd(annMax, package="ismev", list=TRUE) )
str( q_gpd(annMax, package="Renext", list=TRUE) )
q_gpd(annMax, package="evir", truncate=0.9, method="ml") # NAs (MLE fails often)
trunc <- seq(0,0.9,len=500)
quant <- pbsapply(trunc, function(tr) q_gpd(annMax, pack="evir", method = "pwm",
truncate=tr, quiet=TRUE))
quant <- pbsapply(trunc, function(tr) q_gpd(annMax, pack="lmomco", truncate=tr, quiet=TRUE))
plot(trunc, quant["99%",], type="l", ylim=c(80,130), las=1)
lines(trunc, quant["90%",])
lines(trunc, quant["80%",])
plot(trunc, quant["RMSE",], type="l", las=1)
if (FALSE) {
## Not run in checks because simulation takes too long
trunc <- seq(0,0.9,len=200)
dlfs <- pblapply(trunc, function(tr) distLfit(annMax, truncate=tr, quiet=TRUE, order=FALSE))
rmses <- sapply(dlfs, function(x) x$gof$RMSE)
plot(trunc, trunc, type="n", ylim=range(rmses,na.rm=TRUE), las=1, ylab="rmse")
cols <- rainbow2(17)[rank(rmses[,1])]
for(i in 1:17) lines(trunc, rmses[i,], col=cols[i])
dlfs2 <- lapply(0:8/10, function(tr) distLfit(annMax, truncate=tr, quiet=TRUE))
dummy <- sapply(dlfs2, function(x)
{plotLfit(x, cdf=TRUE, main=x$truncate, ylim=0:1, xlim=c(20,135), nbest=1)
# truncation effect
mytruncs <- seq(0, 0.9, len=150)
oo <- options(show.error.messages=FALSE, warn=-1)
myquants <- sapply(mytruncs, function(t) q_gpd(annMax, truncate=t, quiet=TRUE))
plot(1, type="n", ylim=range(myquants, na.rm=TRUE), xlim=c(0,0.9), las=1,
xlab="truncated proportion", ylab="estimated quantiles")
abline(h=quantileMean(annMax, probs=c(0.8,0.9,0.99)))
for(i in 1:3) lines(mytruncs, myquants[i,], col=i)
text(0.3, c(87,97,116), rownames(myquants), col=1:3)
# Underestimation in small samples
# create known population:
dat <- extRemes::revd(1e5, scale=50, shape=-0.02, threshold=30, type="GP")
op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(2,2,1,1))
hist(dat, breaks=50, col="tan")
berryFunctions::logHist(dat, breaks=50, col="tan")
# function to estimate empirical and GPD quantiles from subsamples
samsizeeffect <- function(n, nrep=30, probs=0.999, trunc=0.5, Q=c(0.4,0.5,0.6))
res <- replicate(nrep, {
subsample <- sample(dat, n)
qGPD <- q_gpd(subsample, probs=probs, truncate=trunc)
qEMP <- berryFunctions::quantileMean(subsample, probs=probs, truncate=trunc)
c(qGPD=qGPD, qEMP=qEMP)})
apply(res, MARGIN=1, berryFunctions::quantileMean, probs=Q)
# Run and plot simulations
samplesize <- c(seq(20, 150, 10), seq(200,800, 100))
results <- pbapply::pblapply(samplesize, samsizeeffect)
res <- function(row, col) sapply(results, function(x) x[row,col])
main="99.9% Quantile underestimation", xlab="subsample size", ylim=c(200,400), colm=4)
berryFunctions::ciBand(yu=res(3,2),yl=res(1,2),ym=res(2,2),x=samplesize, add=TRUE)
abline(h=berryFunctions::quantileMean(dat, probs=0.999))
text(300, 360, "empirical quantile of full sample")
text(300, 340, "GPD parametric estimate", col=4)
text(300, 300, "empirical quantile estimate", col="green3")
} # end of dontrun
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