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fBasics (version 4021.93)

Heaviside: Heaviside and related functions


Functions which compute the Heaviside and related functions. These include the Heaviside function, the sign function, the delta function, the boxcar function, and the ramp function.


Heaviside(x, a = 0)
Sign(x, a = 0)
Delta(x, a = 0)
Boxcar(x, a = 0.5)
Ramp(x, a = 0)


numeric vector



a numeric vector.


a numeric value, the location of the break.


Heaviside computes the Heaviside unit step function. Heaviside is 1 for x > a, 1/2 for x = a, and 0 for x < a.

Sign computes the sign function. Sign is 1 for x > a, 0 for x = a, and -1 for x < a.

Delta computes the delta function. Delta is defined as: Delta(x) = d/dx H(x-a).

Boxcar computes the boxcar function. Boxcar is defined as: Boxcar(x) = H(x+a) - H(x-a).

Ramp computes ramp function. The ramp function is defined as: Ramp(x) = (x-a) * H(x-a).


Weisstein W. (2004); http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HeavisideStepFunction.html, Mathworld.

See Also

GarchDistribution, GarchDistributionFits


Run this code
## Heaviside -
   x = sort(round(c(-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 5*rnorm(5)), 2))
   h = Heaviside(x)
## Sign -
   s = Sign(x)
## Delta -
   d = Delta(x)
## Boxcar -
   Pi = Boxcar(x)

## Ramp - 
   r = Ramp(x)
   cbind(x = x, Step = h, Signum = s, Delta = d, Pi = Pi, R = r)        

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