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fBasics (version 4021.93)

TimeSeriesPlots: Financial time series plots


Returns an index/price, a return, or a drawdown plot.

List of Functions:

seriesPlotReturns a tailored return series plot,
cumulatedPlotDisplays a cumulated series given the returns,
returnPlotDisplays returns given the cumulated series,
drawdownPlotDisplays drawdowns given the return series.


seriesPlot(x, labels = TRUE, type = "l", col = "steelblue", 
    title = TRUE, grid = TRUE, box = TRUE, rug = TRUE, ...) 
cumulatedPlot(x, index = 100, labels = TRUE, type = "l", col = "steelblue", 
    title = TRUE, grid = TRUE, box = TRUE, rug = TRUE, ...) 
returnPlot(x, labels = TRUE, type = "l", col = "steelblue", 
    title = TRUE, grid = TRUE, box = TRUE, rug = TRUE, ...) 
drawdownPlot(x, labels = TRUE, type = "l", col = "steelblue", 
    title = TRUE, grid = TRUE, box = TRUE, rug = TRUE, ...)


displays a time series plot



a logical flag, should a box be added to the plot? By default TRUE.


the color for the series. In the univariate case use just a color name like the default, col="steelblue", in the multivariate case we recommend to select the colors from a color palette, e.g. col=heat.colors(ncol(x)).


a logical flag, should a grid be added to the plot? By default TRUE.


a numeric value, by default 100. The function cumulates column by colum the returns and multiplies the result with the index value: index*exp(colCumsums(x)).


a logical flag, should the plot be returned with default labels and decorated in an automated way? By default TRUE.


a logical flag, by default TRUE. Should a rug representation of the data added to the plot?


a logical flag, by default TRUE. Should a default title added to the plot?


what type of plot should be drawn? By default we use a line plot, type="l". An alternative plot style which produces nice figures is for example type="h".


an object of class "timeSeries" or any other object which can be transformed by the function as.timeSeries into an object of class timeSeries. The latter case, other then timeSeries objects, is more or less untested.


optional arguments to be passed.


The plot functions can be used to plot univariate and multivariate time series of class timeSeries.

The graphical parameters type and col can be set by the values specified through the argument list. In the case of multivariate time series col can be specified by the values returned by a color palette.

Automated titles including main title, x- and y-lables, grid lines, box style and rug represenatations cann be selected by setting these arguments to TRUE which is the default. If the title flag is unset, then the main title, x-, and y-labels are empty strings. This allows to set user defined labels with the function title after the plot is drawn.

Beside type, col, main, xlab and ylab, all other par arguments can be passed to the plot function.

If the labels flag is unset to FALSE, then no decorations will be added tothe plot, and the plot can be fully decorated by the user.


Run this code
## seriesPlot -
   data(LPP2005REC, package = "timeSeries")
   tS <- as.timeSeries(LPP2005REC)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab