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fBasics (version 4041.97)

lcg: Generator for Portable random innovations


Functions to generate portable random innovations. The functions run under R and S-Plus and generate the same sequence of random numbers. Supported are uniform, normal and Student-t distributed random numbers.

The functions are:

set.lcgseedSet initial random seed,
get.lcgseedGet the current valus of the random seed,
runif.lcgUniform linear congruational generator,
rnorm.lcgNormal linear congruational generator,
rt.lcgStudent-t linear congruential generator.


set.lcgseed(seed = 4711)

runif.lcg(n, min = 0, max = 1) rnorm.lcg(n, mean = 0, sd = 1) rt.lcg(n, df)


A vector of generated random innovations. The value of the current seed is stored in the variable lcg.seed.



an integer value, the random number seed.


an integer, the number of random innovations to be generated.


degrees of freedom, a positive number, may be non-integer.

mean, sd

mean and standard deviation of the normally distributed innovations.

min, max

lower and upper limits of the uniformly distributed innovations.


A simple portable random number generator for use in R and SPlus. We recommend to use this generator only for comparisons of calculations in R and Splus.

The generator is a linear congruential generator with parameters LCG(a=13445, c=0, m=2^31-1, X=0). It is a simple random number generator which passes the bitwise randomness test.


Altman, N.S. (1988); Bitwise Behavior of Random Number Generators, SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput., 9(5), September, 941--949.


Run this code
set.lcgseed(seed = 65890)
## runif.lcg, rnorm.lcg, rt.lcg
cbind(runif.lcg(10), rnorm.lcg(10), rt.lcg(10, df = 4))

## Note, to overwrite rnorm, use
   # rnorm = rnorm.lcg
   # Going back to rnorm
   # rm(rnorm)

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