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fPortfolio (version 280.74)

fPortfolio-package: Portfolio Modelling, Optimization and Backtesting


The Rmetrics "fPortfolio" package is a very powerful collection of functions to optimize portfolios and to analyze them from different points ov view. The implemented portfolio models include the traditional mean--variance Markowitz portfolio, robust variants of the Markowitz portfoio, the mean--LPM lower partial moment portfolio, and the mean-CVaR conditional value-at-Risk portfolio. Optimization is possible either by minimizing the risk if the return is specified, or by maximizing the return if the risk is specified. Linear box/group constraints and quadratic covariance risk budgets and/or copulae tail risk budgets can be specified. Depending on the model of the portfolio and the constraints powerful solvers are used for optimization including a linear programming solver, a quadratic programming solver, a sequential quadratic programming solver, and a second order programming solver. Several kinds of charts can be produced using powerful graphics tools to visualize the results.



The following chapters give a brief introduction how to optimize and analyze portfolios. Table of Content: rl{ 1. How to Specify a Portfolio ? 2. How to Prepare the Data Input ? 3. How to Define Portfolio Constraints ? 4. How to Optimize a Portfolio ? 5. Implemented Portfolios 6. How to Analyze an Optimized Portfolio ? 7. How to Analyze the Efficient Frontier ? 8. How to Backtest a Rolling Portfolio ? }

1. How to Specify a Portfolio?

To optimize a portfolio of assets we first have to specify it. All settings which specify a portfolio of assets are respresented by a S4 object of class-fPFOLIOSPEC: setClass("fPFOLIOSPEC", representation( model = "list", portfolio = "list", optim = "list") ) An object of class fPFOLIOSPEC has three slots, named @model, @code{portfolio}, and @optim The first slot @model holds the model information, the second slot @portfolio the portfolio information, and the last slot @optim the information about the solver used for optimization. The default settings are as follows: model = list( type = "MV", optimize = "minRisk", estimator = "covEstimator", tailRisk = list(), params = list(alpha=0.05, a=2)), portfolio = list( weights = NULL, targetReturn = NULL, targetRisk = NULL, riskFreeRate = 0, nFrontierPoints = 50, status = NA), optim = list( solver = NULL, trace = FALSE) To retrieve or modify portfolio specifications several getSpec and setSpec function are available. To set a portfolio specification from scratch one can also use the function portfolioSpec. Note, there is a generic print function to print information from portfolio specifications. For example print(portfolioSpec() prints the default portfolio specification.

2. How to Prepare the Data Input ?

To optimize a portfolio or to compute the efficient frontier of a portfolio the assets which compose the portfolio must be available as a set of multivariate time series. These must be available in form of an S4 object of class "timeSeries", the preferred time series representation in Rmetrics. Internally, the portfolio functions use the portfolioData function to generate an S4 object of class-fPFOLIODATA: setClass("fPFOLIODATA", representation( data = "list", statistics = "list", tailRisk = "list") ) An object of class fPFOLIODATA has three slots repfresented by lists, named @data, @code{@statistics}, and @tailrisk. The first slot @data holds the data information, the second slot @statistics the estimated mean and covariance together with optional robust estimates, and the last slot @tailRisk optional information if we include copulae tail risk baskets into portfolio optimization. The function portfolioData(data, spec = portfolioSpec()) creates an S4 object of class fPFOLIODATA using the portfolio specification to get the required information how to estimate mean and covariance matrix of the assets. To retrieve information about the portfolios data set of assets several getData functions are available. Note, there is a generic print function to print information from a portfolio data object.

4. How to Compute and Optimize Portfolios ?

Rmetrics offers several functions to compute and optimize portfolios. These include the functions feasiblePortfolio(data, spec, constraints) efficientPortfolio(data, spec, constraints) tangencyPortfolio(data, spec, constraints) minvariancePortfolio(data, spec, constraints) portfolioFrontier(data, spec, constraints) For all functions the user has to specifiy the data as an S4 object of class timeSeries. The remaining two arguments spec=portfolioSpec(), and constraints="LongOnly" have default values.

The portfolio functions return an S4 object of class-fPORTFOLIO which is represented by the following slots: setClass("fPFOLIOCON", representation( call = "call", data = "list", spec = "list", constraints = "character", portfolio = "list", title = "character", description = "character") ) To retrieve information from a portfolio object use one of the extractor function, see getPortfolio. Note, there is a generic print function to print information from a portfolio data object and a plot function to display charts. The computation of a feasiblePortfolio doesn't require portfolio optimization at all. Given the weights through portfolio specifiaction, use setWeights, the function feasiblePortfolio directly computes the target return and the target risk. The results are returned as an S4 object of class fPortfolio. The optimization of an efficient portfolio is done by the function efficientPortfolio. By default a mean--variance Markowitz optimization is performed with "LongOnly". If neither the target return is specified by the function setTargetReturn nor the risk is pecified by the function setTargetRisk, then the results for the tangency portfolio with given risk free rate, will be returned. The tangencyPortfolio and minvariancePortfolio are two special efficient portfolios, the first yields the tangency point on the efficient frontier with respect to the rosk free rate, and the second the point on the efficient frontier with the lowest risk. The function portfolioFrontier allows to compute points along the efficient frontier, use setNFrontierPoints to modify the default value of 50. The points cover the whole range of feasible points on the efficient frontier with returns in equidistant steps. The solver used for portfolio optimization is selected automatically, but can also chosen by the experienced user. It is in the responsibility of the user that he select a solver which is not in conflict with the specified portfolio model. Provided interfaces and solvers are: solveRshortExact for unlimited short selling, solveRquadprog for quadratic objective with linear constraints, solveRglpk for linear objective with linear constraints, solveRsocp for linear objective with linear/quadratic constraints, solveRdonlp2 for non-linear objective with non-linear constraints.

5. Implemented Portfolios

Optimize a Mean-Variance Portfolio: By default the portfolio functions minimize the risk given the return of a mean-variance portfolio with long-only constraints. Optinonally we can maximize the return given the risk, constraints are allowed for short selling if specified. Furthermore box, group, and covariance risk budget constraints can be added. Optimize a Mean-Variance Long-Only Portfolio: This is the default case: spec = portfolioSpec() constraints = "Short" Optimize a Mean-Variance Short Selling Portfolio: spec = portfolioSpec() constraints = "LongOnly" Optimize a Mean-Variance Portfolio with Box Constraints: spec = portfolioSpec() constraints = c(minW, maxW) Optimize a Mean-Variance Portfolio with Group Constraints: spec = portfolioSpec() constraints = Optimize a Mean-Variance Portfolio with Risk Budget Constraints: spec = portfolioSpec() constraints = Optimize a Robust Mean-Variance Portfolio: Mean-Variance portfolios can be robustified by replace the man and/or covariance matrix by robust estimators. Not only everal choices are implemented, the user can also add his own estimator for the mean and covariance. In any case the use has tpo specify the name of the function which estimates mean /and or covaraince. spec = portfolioSpec() setEstimator <- "robEstimator" Optimize a Mean-LPM Portfolio: The optimization of a "Mean - Lower Partial Moment" portfolio is done mapping the Mean-LPM portfolio on a quadratic form which looks formally identical to a Mean-Variance portfolio. Type: We set the portfolio type to "LPM", and automatically the default LPM estimator "lpmEstimator" will be chosen. Note you can overwrite this choice using a robust LPM estimator for the portfolios "mu" and Sigma". setType <- "LPM" setEstimator <- "lpmEstimator" Constraints: Concerning the constraints, they can be set in the same way as for a Mean-Variance portfolio. This includes box, group and LPM risk budget constraints. Optimize: By default the "LPM" risk will be minimized for a given "Mean" return. Optionally one can maximize the target return for a predetermined value of the risk. For risk minimization the solver "solveRquadprog" is used, the default, for return maximization the solver "solverRdonlp2" is used. Optimize a Mean-CVaR Portfolio: The optimization of a "Mean - CVaR" portfolio is done using the approach of Uryasev and Rockafeller. The portfolio is mapped to a linear programming problem. Type: We set the portfolio type to "CVaR", setType <- "CVaR" Constraints: Concerning the constraints, they can be set in the same way as for a Mean-Variance portfolio. This includes box, group and LPM risk budget constraints. Optimize: By default the "CVaR" risk will be minimized for a given "Mean" return. Optionally one can maximize the target return for a predetermined value of the risk. For risk minimization the solver "solveRglpk" is used, the default, for return maximization the solver "solverRsocp" is used.

6. How to Analyze an Optimized Portfolio ?

There exist several printouts and plots to display the results of an optimized portfolio. For an individual portfolio ... Print Plot weightsPie Plot

7. How to Analyze the Efficient Frontier ?

There exist several plots to display the results of an optimized portfolio or to display the portfolio frontier. For the efficient frontier ... plot frontierPlot weightsPlot frontierSlider weightsSlider

8. How to Backtest a Rolling Portfolio ?

Rmetrics offers functions for a rolling backtesting of historical portfolios: rollingPortfolio portfolioBacktesting rollingPortfolio portfolioBacktesting


ll{ Package: fPortfolio Type: Package Version: 261.73.1 Date: 2008 License: GPL Version 2 or later Copyright: (c) 1999-2008 Diethelm Wuertz and Rmetrics Foundation URL: http://www.rmetrics.org }