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fPortfolio (version 4023.84)

backtest-extractors: Portfolio backtest specification extractors


Extracts information from an object of class fPFOLIOBACKTEST.

The functions are:

getWindowsExtract windows slot,
getWindowsFunextract windows function,
getWindowsParamsextract a list of windows specific parameters,
getWindowsHorizonextract windows horizon,
getStrategyextract strategy slot,
getStrategyFunextract the portfolio strategy function,
getStrategyParamsextract a list of portfolio strategy specific parameters,
getSmootherextract the smoother slot,
getSmootherFunExtract the Ssoother function,
getSmootherParamsextract a list of Smoothing specific parameters,
getSmootherLambdaextract the smoothing parameter Lambda,
getSmootherDoubleSmoothingextract setting for double smoothing,
getSmootherInitialWeightsextract the initial weights to used in the smoothing,
getSmootherSkipextract the number of skipped months,
getMessagesextract the message slot.


# S3 method for fPFOLIOBACKTEST
# S3 method for fPFOLIOBACKTEST
# S3 method for fPFOLIOBACKTEST
# S3 method for fPFOLIOBACKTEST

# S3 method for fPFOLIOBACKTEST getStrategy(object) # S3 method for fPFOLIOBACKTEST getStrategyFun(object) # S3 method for fPFOLIOBACKTEST getStrategyParams(object)

# S3 method for fPFOLIOBACKTEST getSmoother(object) # S3 method for fPFOLIOBACKTEST getSmootherFun(object) # S3 method for fPFOLIOBACKTEST getSmootherParams(object) # S3 method for fPFOLIOBACKTEST getSmootherLambda(object) # S3 method for fPFOLIOBACKTEST getSmootherDoubleSmoothing(object) # S3 method for fPFOLIOBACKTEST getSmootherInitialWeights(object) # S3 method for fPFOLIOBACKTEST getSmootherSkip(object)

# S3 method for fPFOLIOBACKTEST getMessages(object)



an object of class fPFOLIOBACKTEST as returned by function portfolioBacktest.


W\"urtz, D., Chalabi, Y., Chen W., Ellis A. (2009); Portfolio Optimization with R/Rmetrics, Rmetrics eBook, Rmetrics Association and Finance Online, Zurich.