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fPortfolio (version 4023.84)

fPFOLIOSPEC: Specification of Portfolios


Specifies portfolios.


# S4 method for fPFOLIOSPEC



returns an S4 object of class "fPFOLIOSPEC".



an S4 object of class fPFOLIOSPEC.


Portfolio Specifcation Structure:

The S4 class fPFOLIOSPEC specifies the portfolio. The slots are:


a call, returning the matched function call.


a list, setting the type of portfolio to be optimized, and the mean/covariance estimator to be applied:
type=c("MV","CVaR") a character string denoting the type of portfolio, the implemented types are the Mean-Variance Markowitz Portfolio, "MV", and the Mean-CVaR Portfolio, "CVaR".
estimator=c("mean","cov") a vector of two character strings, the first denoting the mean estimator, and the second the covariance estimator. Additional meaningful selections include robust covariance estimators, e.g. c("mean","mcd"), or c("mean","shrink").
tailRisk=list() a list of optional tail risk information, currently not used.
params=list() a list of optional model parameters, currently not used.


a list, settings portfolio parameters including predefined weights, target return, risk free rate, number of frontier points:
weights=NULL a numeric vector specifying the portfolio weights.
targetReturn=NULL a numeric value specifying the target return. The default value sets the target return.
targetRisk=NULL a numeric value specifying the target risk.
targetAlpha=NULL a numeric value specifying the target alpha confidence level for CVaR portfolio optimization. The default value sets the target return.
riskFreeRate=0 a numeric value specifying the risk free rate.
nFrontierPoints=50 a numeric value determining the number of points on the efficient frontier.


a list, setting the type of solver to be used for portfolio optimization:
type=c("quadprog", "lpSolve") a character string specifying the name of the solver to be used.
trace=FALSE a logical flag, should the optimization be traced?


a title string, with a default project title.


a character string, with a default project description.


Wuertz, D., Chalabi, Y., Chen W., Ellis A. (2009); Portfolio Optimization with R/Rmetrics, Rmetrics eBook, Rmetrics Association and Finance Online, Zurich.