# Divide observations into clusters
clusters = rep(1:5, 10)
# Default: unit variance within each cluster
draw_normal_icc(clusters = clusters, ICC = 0.5)
# Alternatively, you can specify characteristics:
draw_normal_icc(mean = 10, clusters = clusters, sd = 3, ICC = 0.3)
# Can specify between-cluster standard deviation instead:
draw_normal_icc(clusters = clusters, sd_between = 4, ICC = 0.2)
# Can specify total SD instead:
total_sd_draw = draw_normal_icc(clusters = clusters, ICC = 0.5, total_sd = 3)
# Verify that ICC generated is accurate
corr_draw = draw_normal_icc(clusters = clusters, ICC = 0.4)
summary(lm(corr_draw ~ as.factor(clusters)))$r.squared
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