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fairml (version 0.8)

compas: Criminal Offenders Screened in Florida


A collection of criminal offenders screened in Florida (US) during 2013-14.





The data contains 5855 observations and the following variables:

  • age, a continuous variable containing the age (in years) of the person;

  • juv_fel_count, a continuous variable containing the number of juvenile felonies;

  • decile_score, a continuous variable, the decile of the COMPAS score;

  • juv_misd_count, a continuous variable containing the number of juvenile misdemeanors;

  • juv_other_count, a continuous variable containing the number of prior juvenile convictions that are not considered either felonies or misdemeanors;

  • v_decile_score, a continuous variable containing the predicted decile of the COMPAS score;

  • priors_count, a continuous variable containing the number of prior crimes committed;

  • sex, a factor with levels "Female" and "Male";

  • two_year_recid, a factor with two levels "Yes" and "No" (if the person has recidivated within two years);

  • race, a factor encoding the race of the person;

  • c_jail_in, a numeric variable containing the date in which the person entered jail (normalized between 0 and 1);

  • c_jail_out, a numeric variable containing the date in which the person was released from jail (normalized between 0 and 1);

  • c_offense_date, a numeric variable containing the date the offense was committed;

  • screening_date, a numeric variable containing the date in which the person was screened (normalized between 0 and 1);

  • in_custody, a numeric variable containing the date in which the person was placed in custody (normalized between 0 and 1);

  • out_custody, a numeric variable containing the date in which the person was released from custody (normalized between 0 and 1);


Angwin J, Larson J, Mattu S, Kirchner L (2016). "Machine Bias: Theres Software Used Around the Country to Predict Future Criminals."


Run this code

# convert the response back to a numeric variable.
compas$two_year_recid = as.numeric(compas$two_year_recid) - 1

# short-hand variable names.
r = compas[, "two_year_recid"]
s = compas[, c("sex", "race")]
p = compas[, setdiff(names(compas), c("two_year_recid", "sex", "race"))]

m = nclm(response = r, sensitive = s, predictors = p, unfairness = 0.05)

m = frrm(response = r, sensitive = s, predictors = p, unfairness = 0.05)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab