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fairml (version 0.8)

synthetic data sets: Synthetic data set to test fair models


Synthetic data set used as test cases in the fairml package.





The data are stored a list with following three elements:

  • gaussian, binomial, poisson, coxph and multinomial are response variables for the different families;

  • X, a numeric matrix containing 3 predictors called X1, X2 and X3;

  • S, a numeric matrix containing 3 sensitive attributes called S1, S2 and S3.


Marco Scutari


Run this code
summary(fgrrm(response = vu.test$gaussian, predictors = vu.test$X,
  sensitive = vu.test$S, unfairness = 1, family = "gaussian"))
summary(fgrrm(response = vu.test$binomial, predictors = vu.test$X,
  sensitive = vu.test$S, unfairness = 1, family = "binomial"))
summary(fgrrm(response = vu.test$poisson, predictors = vu.test$X,
  sensitive = vu.test$S, unfairness = 1, family = "poisson"))
summary(fgrrm(response = vu.test$coxph, predictors = vu.test$X,
  sensitive = vu.test$S, unfairness = 1, family = "cox"))
summary(fgrrm(response = vu.test$multinomial, predictors = vu.test$X,
  sensitive = vu.test$S, unfairness = 1, family = "multinomial"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab