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motorins: Third party motor insurance claims in Sweden in 1977


In Sweden all motor insurance companies apply identical risk arguments to classify customers, and thus their portfolios and their claims statistics can be combined. The data were compiled by a Swedish Committee on the Analysis of Risk Premium in Motor Insurance. The Committee was asked to look into the problem of analyzing the real influence on claims of the risk arguments and to compare this structure with the actual tariff.



A data frame with 1797 observations on the following 8 variables.


an ordered factor representing kilomoters per year with levels 1: < 1000, 2: 1000-15000, 3: 15000-20000, 4: 20000-25000, 5: > 25000


a factor representing geographical area with levels 1: Stockholm, Goteborg, Malmo with surroundings 2: Other large cities with surroundings 3: Smaller cities with surroundings in southern Sweden 4: Rural areas in southern Sweden 5: Smaller cities with surroundings in northern Sweden 6: Rural areas in northern Sweden 7: Gotland


No claims bonus. Equal to the number of years, plus one, since last claim


A factor representing eight different common car models. All other models are combined in class 9


Number of insured in policy-years


Number of claims


Total value of payments in Skr


payment per claim


Hallin, M., and Ingenbleek, J.-F. (1983). The Swedish automobile portfolio in 1977. A statistical study. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 49-64.