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neighbor: Questionnaire study of neighborly help


Subjects were asked questions in a study of neighborly help. Questions below are a subset of the full study.



A data frame with 181 observations on the following 8 variables.


About how long have you lived where you do now? Ans is a factor with levels <6mos 6-12mos 1-3yrs 3-10yrs 10yrs


Where were you living before you moved to your present house? Ans is a factor with levels same Exeter Devon Britain Abroad


How neighborly do you think the area where you now live is? Ans is a factor with levels Vunfriendly NVfriendly Average FFriendly VFriendly


Roughly how many people in your street, or in the streets just near you, do you know the names of? Ans is a factor with levels none 1-5 6-20 20+


How many of those people (not counting children) would you call by their first names? Ans is a factor with levels none 1-5 6-20 20+


a factor with levels -18 18-30 31-50 51-65 65+


a factor with levels 1 2 3 4


a factor with levels female male


Exeter is a city in the county of Devon which is in Britain. The four districts can be briefly described as follows. District 1 was a long-established residential area near the city centre, with housing dating from the late nineteenth century. Originally working class, it now has a considerable middle class population with some student and other temporary accommodation. District 2 was a working-class housing estate dating from the 1930s, with mainly rented accommodation but some owner occupation. District 3 was the oldest part of a more recently developed, mainly middle-class, almost exclusively owner-occupied estate, dating from the 1960s. District 4 was the most recently developed part of a more sought-after middle-class residential area, with smaller but almost entirely owner-occupied properties dating from the 1970s and 1980s.