# Run if HYDAT database has been downloaded (using tidyhydat::download_hydat())
if (file.exists(tidyhydat::hy_downloaded_db())) {
# Add the HYDAT basin area to a data frame with station numbers
flow_data <- tidyhydat::hy_daily_flows(station_number = "08NM116")
add_basin_area(data = flow_data)
# Add the HYDAT basin area to data from HYDAT
add_basin_area(station_number = "08NM116")
# Set a custom basin area
add_basin_area(station_number = "08NM116",
basin_area = 800)
# Set multiple custom basin areas for multiple stations
add_basin_area(station_number = c("08NM116", "08NM242"),
basin_area = c("08NM116" = 800, "08NM242" = 10))
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab