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fasstr (version 0.5.3)

calc_daily_cumulative_stats: Calculate cumulative daily flow statistics


Calculate cumulative daily flow statistics for each day of the year of daily flow values from a daily streamflow data set. Defaults to volumetric cumulative flows, can use use_yield and basin_area to convert to area-based water yield. Calculates statistics from all values from all complete years, unless specified. Returns a tibble with statistics.


  dates = Date,
  values = Value,
  groups = STATION_NUMBER,
  percentiles = c(5, 25, 75, 95),
  use_yield = FALSE,
  water_year_start = 1,
  months = 1:12,
  transpose = FALSE


A data frame with the following columns, default units in cubic metres, millimetres if use_yield and basin_area provided:


date (MMM-DD) of daily cumulative statistics


day of year of daily cumulative statistics


daily mean of all cumulative flows for a given day of the year


daily mean of all cumulative flows for a given day of the year


daily mean of all cumulative flows for a given day of the year


daily mean of all cumulative flows for a given day of the year


each daily n-th percentile selected of all cumulative flows for a given day of the year

Default percentile columns:


daily 5th percentile of all cumulative flows for a given day of the year


daily 25th percentile of all cumulative flows for a given day of the year


daily 75th percentile of all cumulative flows for a given day of the year


daily 95th percentile of all cumulative flows for a given day of the year

Transposing data creates a column of "Statistics" and subsequent columns for each year selected.



Data frame of daily data that contains columns of dates, flow values, and (optional) groups (e.g. station numbers). Leave blank or set to NULL if using station_number argument.


Name of column in data that contains dates formatted YYYY-MM-DD. Only required if dates column name is not 'Date' (default). Leave blank or set to NULL if using station_number argument.


Name of column in data that contains numeric flow values, in units of cubic metres per second. Only required if values column name is not 'Value' (default). Leave blank if using station_number argument.


Name of column in data that contains unique identifiers for different data sets, if applicable. Only required if groups column name is not 'STATION_NUMBER'. Function will automatically group by a column named 'STATION_NUMBER' if present. Remove the 'STATION_NUMBER' column beforehand to remove this grouping. Leave blank if using station_number argument.


Character string vector of seven digit Water Survey of Canada station numbers (e.g. "08NM116") of which to extract daily streamflow data from a HYDAT database. Requires tidyhydat package and a HYDAT database. Leave blank if using data argument.


Numeric vector of percentiles to calculate. Set to NA if none required. Default c(5,25,75,95).


Logical value indicating whether to calculate area-based water yield, in mm, instead of volumetric discharge. Default FALSE.


Upstream drainage basin area, in square kilometres, to apply to observations. Three options:

(1) Leave blank if groups is STATION_NUMBER with HYDAT station numbers to extract basin areas from HYDAT.

(2) A single numeric value to apply to all observations.

(3) List each basin area for each group/station in groups (can override HYDAT value if listed) as such c("08NM116" = 795, "08NM242" = 10). If group is not listed the HYDAT area will be applied if it exists, otherwise it will be NA.


Numeric value indicating the month (1 through 12) of the start of water year for analysis. Default 1.


Numeric value of the first year to consider for analysis. Leave blank or set well before start date (i.e. 1800) to use from the first year of the source data.


Numeric value of the last year to consider for analysis. Leave blank or set well after end date (i.e. 2100) to use up to the last year of the source data.


Numeric vector of years to exclude from analysis. Leave blank or set to NULL to include all years.


Numeric vector of months to include in analysis. For example, 3 for March, 6:8 for Jun-Aug or c(10:12,1) for first four months (Oct-Jan) when water_year_start = 10 (Oct). Default summarizes all months (1:12). Need to be consecutive months for given year/water year to work properly.


Logical value indicating whether to transpose rows and columns of results. Default FALSE.


Run this code
# Run if HYDAT database has been downloaded (using tidyhydat::download_hydat())
if (file.exists(tidyhydat::hy_downloaded_db())) {

# Calculate annual daily cumulative yield statistics 
# with default HYDAT basin area
calc_daily_cumulative_stats(station_number = "08NM116",
                            use_yield = TRUE) 

# Calculate annual daily cumulative yield statistics 
# with custom basin area
calc_daily_cumulative_stats(station_number = "08NM116",
                            use_yield = TRUE,
                            basin_area = 800) 

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab