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Produces a summary of the membership degree information.
cl.memb (U)
Matrix containing the indexes of the clusters where the objects are assigned (row 1) and the associated membership degrees (row 2)
Membership degree matrix
Paolo Giordani, Maria Brigida Ferraro, Alessio Serafini
An object is assigned to a cluster according to the maximal membership degree. Therefore, it produces the closest hard clustering partition
cl.memb.H, cl.memb.t
n=20 k=3 ## randomly generated membership degree matrix U=matrix(runif(n*k,0,1), nrow=n, ncol=k) U=U/apply(U,1,sum) info.U=cl.memb(U) ## objects assigned to cluster 2 rownames(info.U[info.U[,1]==2,])
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