## as.fd.fdSmooth
girlGrowthSm <- with(growth,
smooth.basisPar(argvals=age, y=hgtf, lambda=0.1))
girlGrowth.fd <- as.fd(girlGrowthSm)
## as.fd.function(splinefun(...), ...)
x2 <- 1:7
y2 <- sin((x2-0.5)*pi)
fd_function <- splinefun(x2, y2)
fd. <- as.fd(fd_function)
x. <- seq(1, 7, .02)
fdx. <- fda::eval.fd(x., fd.)
# range(y2, fx., fdx.) generates an error 2012.04.22
rfdx <- range(fdx.)
oldpar <- par(no.readonly= TRUE)
plot(range(x2), range(y2, fdx., rfdx), type='n')
points(x2, y2)
lines(x., sin((x.-0.5)*pi), lty='dashed')
lines(x., fdx., col='blue')
lines(x., eval.fd(x., fd.), col='red', lwd=3, lty='dashed')
# splinefun and as.fd(splineful(...)) are close
# but quite different from the actual function
# apart from the actual 7 points fitted,
# which are fitted exactly
# ... and there is no information in the data
# to support a better fit!
# Translate also a natural spline
fn <- splinefun(x2, y2, method='natural')
fn. <- as.fd(fn)
lines(x., fn(x.), lty='dotted', col='blue')
lines(x., eval.fd(x., fn.), col='green', lty='dotted', lwd=3)
if(!CRAN()) {
# Will NOT translate a periodic spline
# fp <- splinefun(x, y, method='periodic')
# as.fd(fp)
# Error in as.fd.function(fp) :
# x (fp) uses periodic B-splines, and as.fd is programmed
# to translate only B-splines with coincident boundary knots.
## as.fd.smooth.spline ... this doesn't work (24 January 2024)
#cars.spl <- with(cars, smooth.spline(speed, dist))
#cars.fd <- as.fd(cars.spl)
#plot(dist~speed, cars)
#sp. <- with(cars, seq(min(speed), max(speed), len=101))
#d. <- eval.fd(sp., cars.fd)
#lines(sp., d., lty=2, col='red', lwd=3)
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