oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
## eval.fd
# set up the fourier basis
daybasis <- create.fourier.basis(c(0, 365), nbasis=65)
# Make temperature fd object
# Temperature data are in 12 by 365 matrix tempav
# See analyses of weather data.
# Set up sampling points at mid days
# Convert the data to a functional data object
tempfd <- smooth.basis(day.5, CanadianWeather$dailyAv[,,"Temperature.C"],
# set up the harmonic acceleration operator
Lbasis <- create.constant.basis(c(0, 365))
Lcoef <- matrix(c(0,(2*pi/365)^2,0),1,3)
bfdobj <- fd(Lcoef,Lbasis)
bwtlist <- fd2list(bfdobj)
harmaccelLfd <- Lfd(3, bwtlist)
# evaluate the value of the harmonic acceleration
# operator at the sampling points
Ltempmat <- eval.fd(day.5, tempfd, harmaccelLfd)
# Confirm that it still works with
# evalarg = a matrix with only one column
# when fdobj[['coefs']] is a matrix with multiple columns
Ltempmat. <- eval.fd(matrix(day.5, ncol=1), tempfd, harmaccelLfd)
# confirm that the two answers are the same
all.equal(Ltempmat, Ltempmat.)
# Plot the values of this operator
matplot(day.5, Ltempmat, type="l")
## predict.fd
predict(tempfd) # end points only at 35 locations
str(predict(tempfd, day.5)) # 365 x 35 matrix
str(predict(tempfd, day.5, harmaccelLfd))
# cublic splie with knots at 0, .5, 1
bspl3 <- create.bspline.basis(c(0, .5, 1))
plot(bspl3) # 5 bases
fd.bspl3 <- fd(c(0, 0, 1, 0, 0), bspl3)
pred3 <- predict(fd.bspl3)
pred3. <- matrix(c(0, .5, 0), 3)
dimnames(pred3.) <- list(NULL, 'reps 1')
all.equal(pred3, pred3.)
pred.2 <- predict(fd.bspl3, c(.2, .8))
pred.2. <- matrix(.176, 2, 1)
dimnames(pred.2.) <- list(NULL, 'reps 1')
all.equal(pred.2, pred.2.)
## predict.fdSmooth
lipSm9 <- smooth.basisPar(liptime, lip, lambda=1e-9)$fd
## with evalarg of class Date and POSIXct
# Date
July4.1776 <- as.Date('1776-07-04')
Apr30.1789 <- as.Date('1789-04-30')
AmRev <- c(July4.1776, Apr30.1789)
BspRevolution <- create.bspline.basis(AmRev)
AmRevYears <- seq(July4.1776, Apr30.1789, length.out=14)
(AmRevLinear <- as.numeric(AmRevYears-July4.1776))
fitLin <- smooth.basis(AmRevYears, AmRevLinear, BspRevolution)
AmPred <- predict(fitLin, AmRevYears)
AmRev.ct <- as.POSIXct1970(c('1776-07-04', '1789-04-30'))
BspRev.ct <- create.bspline.basis(AmRev.ct)
AmRevYrs.ct <- seq(AmRev.ct[1], AmRev.ct[2], length.out=14)
(AmRevLin.ct <- as.numeric(AmRevYrs.ct-AmRev.ct[2]))
fitLin.ct <- smooth.basis(AmRevYrs.ct, AmRevLin.ct, BspRev.ct)
AmPred.ct <- predict(fitLin.ct, AmRevYrs.ct)
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