oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
### vector response with functional explanatory variable
# data are in Canadian Weather object
# print the names of the data
# set up log10 of annual precipitation for 35 weather stations
annualprec <-
log10(apply(CanadianWeather$dailyAv[,,"Precipitation.mm"], 2,sum))
# The simplest 'fRegress' call is singular with more bases
# than observations, so we use only 25 basis functions, for this example
smallbasis <- create.fourier.basis(c(0, 365), 25)
# The covariate is the temperature curve for each station.
tempfd <-
smooth.basis(day.5, CanadianWeather$dailyAv[,,"Temperature.C"], smallbasis)$fd
## formula interface: specify the model by a formula, the method
## fRegress.formula automatically sets up the regression coefficient functions,
## a constant function for the intercept,
## and a higher dimensional function
## for the inner product with temperature
precip.Temp1 <- fRegress(annualprec ~ tempfd, method="fRegress")
# the output is a list with class name fRegress, display names
#[c1] "yvec" "xfdlist" "betalist" "betaestlist" "yhatfdobj"
# [6] "Cmat" "Dmat" "Cmatinv" "wt" "df"
#[11] "GCV" "OCV" "y2cMap" "SigmaE" "betastderrlist"
#[16] "bvar" "c2bMap"
# the vector of fits to the data is object precip.Temp1$yfdPar,
# but since the dependent variable is a vector, so is the fit
annualprec.fit1 <- precip.Temp1$yhatfdobj
# plot the data and the fit
plot(annualprec.fit1, annualprec, type="p", pch="o")
lines(annualprec.fit1, annualprec.fit1, lty=2)
# print root mean squared error
RMSE <- round(sqrt(mean((annualprec-annualprec.fit1)^2)),3)
print(paste("RMSE =",RMSE))
# plot the estimated regression function
# This isn't helpful either, the coefficient function is too
# complicated to interpret.
# display the number of basis functions used:
# 25 basis functions to fit 35 values, no wonder we over-fit the data
## Get the default setup and modify it
## the "model" value of the method argument causes the analysis
## to produce a list vector of arguments for calling the
## fRegress function
precip.Temp.mdl1 <- fRegress(annualprec ~ tempfd, method="model")
# First confirm we get the same answer as above by calling
# function fRegress() with these arguments:
precip.Temp.m <- do.call('fRegress', precip.Temp.mdl1)
all.equal(precip.Temp.m, precip.Temp1)
# set up a smaller basis for beta2 than for temperature so that we
# get a more parsimonious fit to the data
nbetabasis2 <- 21 # not much less, but we add some roughness penalization
betabasis2 <- create.fourier.basis(c(0, 365), nbetabasis2)
betafd2 <- fd(rep(0, nbetabasis2), betabasis2)
# add smoothing
betafdPar2 <- fdPar(betafd2, lambda=10)
# replace the regress coefficient function with this fdPar object
precip.Temp.mdl2 <- precip.Temp.mdl1
precip.Temp.mdl2[['betalist']][['tempfd']] <- betafdPar2
# Now do re-fit the data
precip.Temp2 <- do.call('fRegress', precip.Temp.mdl2)
# Compare the two fits:
# degrees of freedom
precip.Temp1[['df']] # 26
precip.Temp2[['df']] # 22
# root-mean-squared errors:
RMSE1 <- round(sqrt(mean(with(precip.Temp1, (yhatfdobj-yvec)^2))),3)
RMSE2 <- round(sqrt(mean(with(precip.Temp2, (yhatfdobj-yvec)^2))),3)
print(c(RMSE1, RMSE2))
# display further results for the more parsimonious model
annualprec.fit2 <- precip.Temp2$yhatfdobj
plot(annualprec.fit2, annualprec, type="p", pch="o")
lines(annualprec.fit2, annualprec.fit2, lty=2)
# plot the estimated regression function
# now we see that it is primarily the temperatures in the
# early winter that provide the fit to log precipitation by temperature
## Manual construction of xfdlist and betalist
xfdlist <- list(const=rep(1, 35), tempfd=tempfd)
# The intercept must be constant for a scalar response
betabasis1 <- create.constant.basis(c(0, 365))
betafd1 <- fd(0, betabasis1)
betafdPar1 <- fdPar(betafd1)
betafd2 <- fd(matrix(0,7,1), create.bspline.basis(c(0, 365),7))
# convert to an fdPar object
betafdPar2 <- fdPar(betafd2)
betalist <- list(const=betafdPar1, tempfd=betafdPar2)
precip.Temp3 <- fRegress(annualprec, xfdlist, betalist)
annualprec.fit3 <- precip.Temp3$yhatfdobj
# plot the data and the fit
plot(annualprec.fit3, annualprec, type="p", pch="o")
lines(annualprec.fit3, annualprec.fit3)
### functional response with vector explanatory variables
## simplest: formula interface
daybasis65 <- create.fourier.basis(rangeval=c(0, 365), nbasis=65,
Temp.fd <- with(CanadianWeather, smooth.basisPar(day.5,
dailyAv[,,'Temperature.C'], daybasis65)$fd)
TempRgn.f <- fRegress(Temp.fd ~ region, CanadianWeather)
## Get the default setup and possibly modify it
TempRgn.mdl <- fRegress(Temp.fd ~ region, CanadianWeather, method='model')
# make desired modifications here
# then run
TempRgn.m <- do.call('fRegress', TempRgn.mdl)
# no change, so match the first run
all.equal(TempRgn.m, TempRgn.f)
## More detailed set up
region.contrasts <- model.matrix(~factor(CanadianWeather$region))
rgnContr3 <- region.contrasts
dim(rgnContr3) <- c(1, 35, 4)
dimnames(rgnContr3) <- list('', CanadianWeather$place, c('const',
paste('region', c('Atlantic', 'Continental', 'Pacific'), sep='.')) )
const365 <- create.constant.basis(c(0, 365))
region.fd.Atlantic <- fd(matrix(rgnContr3[,,2], 1), const365)
# str(region.fd.Atlantic)
region.fd.Continental <- fd(matrix(rgnContr3[,,3], 1), const365)
region.fd.Pacific <- fd(matrix(rgnContr3[,,4], 1), const365)
region.fdlist <- list(const=rep(1, 35),
# str(TempRgn.mdl$betalist)
### functional response with functional explanatory variable
## predict knee angle from hip angle;
## from demo('gait', package='fda')
## formula interface
gaittime <- as.matrix((1:20)/21)
gaitrange <- c(0,20)
gaitbasis <- create.fourier.basis(gaitrange, nbasis=21)
gaitnbasis <- gaitbasis$nbasis
gaitcoef <- matrix(0,gaitnbasis,dim(gait)[2])
harmaccelLfd <- vec2Lfd(c(0, (2*pi/20)^2, 0), rangeval=gaitrange)
gaitfd <- smooth.basisPar(gaittime, gait, gaitbasis,
Lfdobj=harmaccelLfd, lambda=1e-2)$fd
hipfd <- gaitfd[,1]
kneefd <- gaitfd[,2]
knee.hip.f <- fRegress(kneefd ~ hipfd)
## manual set-up
# set up the list of covariate objects
const <- rep(1, dim(kneefd$coef)[2])
xfdlist <- list(const=const, hipfd=hipfd)
beta0 <- with(kneefd, fd(gaitcoef, gaitbasis, fdnames))
beta1 <- with(hipfd, fd(gaitcoef, gaitbasis, fdnames))
betalist <- list(const=fdPar(beta0), hipfd=fdPar(beta1))
fRegressout <- fRegress(kneefd, xfdlist, betalist)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab