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objAndNames: Add names to an object


Add names to an object from 'preferred' if available and 'default' if not.


objAndNames(object, preferred, default)


An object of the same class and structure as 'object' but with either names or dimnames added or changed.



an object of some type to which names must be added. If length(dim(object))>0 add 'dimnames', else add 'names'.


A list to check first for names to add to 'object'.


A list to check for names to add to 'object' if appropriate names are not found in 'preferred'.


Spencer Graves


1. If length(dim(object))<1, names(object) are taken from 'preferred' if they are not NULL and have the correct length, else try 'default'.

2. Else for(lvl in 1:length(dim(object))) take dimnames[[lvl]] from 'preferred[[i]]' if they are not NULL and have the correct length, else try 'default[[lvl]].


Ramsay, James O., Hooker, Giles, and Graves, Spencer (2009), Functional data analysis with R and Matlab, Springer, New York.

Ramsay, James O., and Silverman, Bernard W. (2005), Functional Data Analysis, 2nd ed., Springer, New York.

Ramsay, James O., and Silverman, Bernard W. (2002), Applied Functional Data Analysis, Springer, New York.

See Also



Run this code
# The following should NOT check 'anything' here
tst1 <- objAndNames(1:2, list(letters[1:2], LETTERS[1:2]), anything)
all.equal(tst1, c(a=1, b=2))

# The following should return 'object unchanged
tst2 <- objAndNames(1:2, NULL, list(letters))
all.equal(tst2, 1:2)

tst3 <- objAndNames(1:2, list("a", 2), list(letters[1:2]))
all.equal(tst3, c(a=1, b=2) )

# The following checks a matrix / array
tst4 <- array(1:6, dim=c(2,3))
tst4a <- tst4
dimnames(tst4a) <- list(letters[1:2], LETTERS[1:3])
tst4b <- objAndNames(tst4, 
       list(letters[1:2], LETTERS[1:3]), anything)
all.equal(tst4b, tst4a)

tst4c <- objAndNames(tst4, NULL,        
       list(letters[1:2], LETTERS[1:3]) )
all.equal(tst4c, tst4a)

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