For each value in a set xa
, estimates the converged value. The process
is called Richardson extrapolation. It terminates when all of two successive
estimates are within a tolerance of each other.
polintmat(xa, ya, x)
A un-named list of length two containing these objects:
Matrix of order number of argument values by number of basis functions.
Array with same dimensions as argument ya
Vector of length equal to the maximum number of iterations.
Array with first dimension number of rows equal to length of xa
second dimension length equal number of basis functions, and
third dimension of length 1.
A scalar value which, in our applications, is always zero.
J. O. Ramsay
This function is called with in functions monfn
, mongrad
. This function computes the estimate for a single iteration
of the convergence iterations.
Ramsay, James O., Hooker, Giles, and Graves, Spencer (2009), Functional data analysis with R and Matlab, Springer, New York.
Ramsay, James O., and Silverman, Bernard W. (2005), Functional Data Analysis, 2nd ed., Springer, New York.
Ramsay, James O., and Silverman, Bernard W. (2002), Applied Functional Data Analysis, Springer, New York.